Clotho dataset (v2)


General information

Label Value Description
Name Clotho dataset (v2) Full dataset name
ID captions/clotho_v2 Datalist id for external indexing
Abbreviation Clotho Official dataset abbreviation, e.g. one used in the original paper
Provider TAU
Year 2019 Dataset release year
Modalities Audio Data modalities included in the dataset
Collection name Clotho Common name for all related datasets, used to group datasets coming from same source
Research domain Captioning Tagging Multi-annotator Related domains, e.g., Scenes, Mobile devices, Audio-visual, Open set, Ambient noise, Unlabelled, Multiple sensors, SED, SELD, Tagging, FL, Strong annotation, Weak annotation, Unlabelled, Multi-annotator
License Free
Download Download (6.5GB)
Companion site Site Link to the companion site for the dataset
Citation [Drossos2019] Clotho: an Audio Captioning Dataset


Label Value Description


Data type Audio Possible values: Audio | Features
File format
File format type Constant Possible values: Constant | Variable
File format wav Possible value: wav | aiff | flac | mp3 | aac | ogg
Lossy compression No is audio compressed in a lossy manner
Bit rate 16 Bit depth of audio, possible values: 8 | 16 | 24 | 32
Sampling rate (kHz) 44.1 kHz Sampling rate in kHz, possible values: 8 | 16 | 22.05 | 32 | 44.1 | 48
Source Freesound Possible values: Original | Youtube | Freesound | Online | Crowdsourced | [Dataset name]




Count 6974 files Total number of files
File length Quasi-constant Characterization of the file lengths, possible values: Constant | Quasi-constant | Variable
File length (seconds) 15-30 sec Approximate length of files


Label Value Description
Types Caption Tag List of meta data types provided for the data, possible values: Event, Tag, Scene, Caption, Geolocation, Spatial location, Annotator, Timestamp, Presence, Proximity, etc.




Languages English Languages used for annotation
Source Crowdsourced Possible values: Experts | Crowdsourced | Synthetic | Metadata | Automatic
Captions per item 5 How many annotations there are available per item (possible multi-annotator setup)
Validated amount (%) 100 % Percentage of all data, amount of data which is validated by human

Cross-validation setup

Label Value Description
Provided Yes


Label Value Description
Download Download Link to baseline system source code


Label Value Description
Evaluation campaign DCASE2021 task6 Evaluation campaigns where the dataset was used.