
dcase_util is a collection of utility classes and function implemented to streamline the research code, make it more readable, and easier to maintain. Most of the implemented utilities are related to audio datasets: handling meta data and various forms of other structured data, and provide standardize usage API to audio datasets from various sources.

Design principles:

  • Concentrate on common utilities needed for DCASE research and DCASE challenge organization.

  • Use object-oriented design when applicable.

  • Design class APIs to allow class extension through class inheritance.

  • Wrap data into container classes, inherit containers from standard Python containers when possible to keep code usable with external tools.

  • Favor readable code over highly optimized code, avoid one-liners or hackish code.

  • In case of inherited classes, expose all valid parameters as args in the function definition and inject them back to kwargs for the super classes.

  • Enable chaining class method calls by returning self when possible.

  • Use extensive code commenting.

  • Validate code through unit-testing.

  • Follow PEP 8 style guide.


Initial version was written by Toni Heittola (Audio Research Group / Tampere University) while preparing DCASE2016 Challenge and DCASE2017 Challenge. Contact via website and github.


In case you find bugs, stumble on errors while using the utilities, come up things which needs improvement or have an idea of new utilities, please create an issue or a pull request at All contributions are always welcomed!


If you fix a bug, you should also add a unit test that exposes the bug to avoid similar bugs in the future revisions. If you add a new feature, you should add test for it as well.

To run the tests, use:

python nosetests

After running tests, the coverage report is located at tests/cover/index.html

Tests are located in directory tests.


If you make changes to the documentation, you can re-create the HTML pages on your local system using Sphinx.

You can install it and a few other necessary packages with:

pip install -r documentation/requirements.txt --user

To create the HTML pages, use:

python build_sphinx

The generated files will be available in the directory docs