Processing chain

In addition to the basic utilities, the library provides mechanism to link various data processing classes together. This allows easier construction of complex data processing pipelines. The data processing is done in processors, which are contained in the processing chain (a list of processors). All processors classes are inherited from dcase_util.processors.Processor.

Audio related processors:

Data manipulation processors:

Data encoding processors:

Feature extraction processors:

Meta data processors:

Feature extraction and processing

Extracting mel-band energies for an audio file:

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'MonoAudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'MelExtractorProcessor'
# Run the processing chain
data = chain.process(filename=dcase_util.utils.Example().audio_filename())
# FeatureContainer :: Class
#   Data
#     data                            : matrix (40,501)
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#     Timing information
#       time_resolution               : 0.02 sec
#   Meta
#     stats                           : Calculated
#     metadata                        : -
#     processing_chain                : -
#   Duration
#     Frames                          : 501
#     Seconds                         : 10.02 sec
#   Data
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#       data_axis                     : 0

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Focusing on certain part of audio:

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'MonoAudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'MelExtractorProcessor'
# Run the processing chain
data = chain.process(
# (40, 101)

# Run the processing chain
data = chain.process(
# (40, 51)

Extracting a few different acoustic features for an audio file, and form data matrix:

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'MonoAudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {},
                'mfcc': {}
        'processor_name': 'StackingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'recipe': 'mel;mfcc=1-19'
# Run the processing chain
data = chain.process(filename=dcase_util.utils.Example().audio_filename())

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Extracting a few different acoustic features for an audio file, normalize them, form data matrix, aggregate along time axis (context windowing), and split data into sequences:

import numpy
# Normalization factors
mel_mean = numpy.array([
    -3.26094211, -4.20447522, -4.57860912, -5.11036974, -5.33019526,
    -5.48390484, -5.50473626, -5.54014946, -5.28249358, -5.12090705,
    -5.21508926, -5.3824216, -5.37758142, -5.38829567, -5.4912112,
    -5.55352419, -5.72801733, -6.02412347, -6.41367833, -6.64073975,
    -6.80493457, -6.8717373, -6.88140949, -6.91464104, -7.00929399,
    -7.13497673, -7.36417664, -7.73457445, -8.25007518, -8.79878143,
    -9.22709866, -9.28843908, -9.57054527, -9.82846299, -9.85425306,
    -9.90253041, -9.85194976, -9.62786338, -9.38480217, -9.18478766
mel_std = numpy.array([
    0.3450398, 0.47330394, 0.53112192, 0.57607313, 0.66710664,
    0.70052532, 0.79045046, 0.81864229, 0.79422025, 0.76691708,
    0.64798516, 0.59340713, 0.57756029, 0.64032687, 0.70226395,
    0.75670044, 0.80861907, 0.79305124, 0.7289238, 0.75346821,
    0.77785602, 0.7350573, 0.75137917, 0.77171676, 0.80314121,
    0.78965339, 0.79256442, 0.82524546, 0.84596991, 0.76430333,
    0.69690919, 0.69591269, 0.54718615, 0.5277196, 0.61271734,
    0.54482468, 0.42716334, 0.25561558, 0.08991936, 0.06402002

mfcc_mean = numpy.array([
    -1.89603847e+02, 4.88930395e+01, -8.37911555e+00,
    2.58522036e+00, 4.51964497e+00, -3.87312873e-01,
    8.97250541e+00, 1.61597737e+00, 1.74111135e+00,
    2.50223131e+00, 3.03385048e+00, 1.34561742e-01,
    1.04119803e+00, -2.57486399e-01, 7.58245525e-01,
    1.11375319e+00, 5.45536494e-01, 7.62699140e-01,
    9.34355519e-01, 1.57158221e-01
mfcc_std = numpy.array([
    15.94006483, 2.39593761, 4.78748908, 2.39555341,
    2.66573364, 1.75496556, 2.75005027, 1.5436589,
    1.81070379, 1.39476785, 1.22560606, 1.25575051,
    1.34613239, 1.46778281, 1.19398649, 1.1590474,
    1.1309816, 1.12975486, 0.95503429, 1.01747647

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'MonoAudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {},
                'mfcc': {}
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryNormalizationProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {
                    'mean': mel_mean,
                    'std': mel_std
                'mfcc': {
                    'mean': mfcc_mean,
                    'std': mfcc_std
        'processor_name': 'StackingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'recipe': 'mel;mfcc=1-19'
        'processor_name': 'AggregationProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'recipe': ['flatten'],
            'win_length_frames': 5,
            'hop_length_frames': 1,
        'processor_name': 'SequencingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'sequence_length': 50
data = chain.process(filename=dcase_util.utils.Example().audio_filename())
# DataMatrix3DContainer :: Class
#   Data
#     data                            : matrix (295,50,10)
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#     Timing information
#       time_resolution               : None
#   Meta
#     stats                           : Calculated
#     metadata                        : -
#     processing_chain                : -
#   Duration
#     Frames                          : 50
#   Data
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#       data_axis                     : 0
#       sequence_axis                 : 2

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Reshaping output matrix:

import numpy
# Normalization factors
mel_mean = numpy.array([
    -3.26094211, -4.20447522, -4.57860912, -5.11036974, -5.33019526,
    -5.48390484, -5.50473626, -5.54014946, -5.28249358, -5.12090705,
    -5.21508926, -5.3824216, -5.37758142, -5.38829567, -5.4912112,
    -5.55352419, -5.72801733, -6.02412347, -6.41367833, -6.64073975,
    -6.80493457, -6.8717373, -6.88140949, -6.91464104, -7.00929399,
    -7.13497673, -7.36417664, -7.73457445, -8.25007518, -8.79878143,
    -9.22709866, -9.28843908, -9.57054527, -9.82846299, -9.85425306,
    -9.90253041, -9.85194976, -9.62786338, -9.38480217, -9.18478766
mel_std = numpy.array([
    0.3450398, 0.47330394, 0.53112192, 0.57607313, 0.66710664,
    0.70052532, 0.79045046, 0.81864229, 0.79422025, 0.76691708,
    0.64798516, 0.59340713, 0.57756029, 0.64032687, 0.70226395,
    0.75670044, 0.80861907, 0.79305124, 0.7289238, 0.75346821,
    0.77785602, 0.7350573, 0.75137917, 0.77171676, 0.80314121,
    0.78965339, 0.79256442, 0.82524546, 0.84596991, 0.76430333,
    0.69690919, 0.69591269, 0.54718615, 0.5277196, 0.61271734,
    0.54482468, 0.42716334, 0.25561558, 0.08991936, 0.06402002

mfcc_mean = numpy.array([
    -1.89603847e+02, 4.88930395e+01, -8.37911555e+00,
    2.58522036e+00, 4.51964497e+00, -3.87312873e-01,
    8.97250541e+00, 1.61597737e+00, 1.74111135e+00,
    2.50223131e+00, 3.03385048e+00, 1.34561742e-01,
    1.04119803e+00, -2.57486399e-01, 7.58245525e-01,
    1.11375319e+00, 5.45536494e-01, 7.62699140e-01,
    9.34355519e-01, 1.57158221e-01
mfcc_std = numpy.array([
    15.94006483, 2.39593761, 4.78748908, 2.39555341,
    2.66573364, 1.75496556, 2.75005027, 1.5436589,
    1.81070379, 1.39476785, 1.22560606, 1.25575051,
    1.34613239, 1.46778281, 1.19398649, 1.1590474,
    1.1309816, 1.12975486, 0.95503429, 1.01747647

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'MonoAudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {},
                'mfcc': {}
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryNormalizationProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {
                    'mean': mel_mean,
                    'std': mel_std
                'mfcc': {
                    'mean': mfcc_mean,
                    'std': mfcc_std
        'processor_name': 'StackingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'recipe': 'mel;mfcc=1-19'
        'processor_name': 'AggregationProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'recipe': ['flatten'],
            'win_length_frames': 5,
            'hop_length_frames': 1,
        'processor_name': 'SequencingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'sequence_length': 50
        'processor_name': 'DataShapingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'axis_list': ['sequence', 'data', 'time'],
data = chain.process(filename=dcase_util.utils.Example().audio_filename())
# DataMatrix3DContainer :: Class
#   Data
#     data                            : matrix (10,295,50)
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 2
#     Timing information
#       time_resolution               : None
#   Meta
#     stats                           : -
#     metadata                        : -
#     processing_chain                : -
#   Duration
#     Frames                          : 20
#   Data
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 2
#       data_axis                     : 1
#       sequence_axis                 : 0

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Handling multi-channel audio and output data in 4D matrix:

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'AudioReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'fs': 44100
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'parameters': {
                'mel': {}
        'processor_name': 'RepositorySequencingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'sequence_length': 100
        'processor_name': 'RepositoryToMatrixProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'label': 'mel',
            'expanded_dimension': 'last'
# Run the processing chain
data = chain.process(filename=dcase_util.utils.Example().audio_filename())
# DataMatrix4DContainer :: Class
#   Data
#     data                            : matrix (40,100,5,2)
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#     Timing information
#       time_resolution               : None
#   Meta
#     stats                           : Calculated
#     metadata                        : -
#     processing_chain                : -
#   Duration
#     Frames                          : 20
#   Data
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#       data_axis                     : 0
#       sequence_axis                 : 2
#   Data
#     Dimensions
#       time_axis                     : 1
#       data_axis                     : 0
#       sequence_axis                 : 2
#       channel_axis                  : 3

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Meta data processing

Getting event roll:

import tempfile
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r+', suffix='.txt', delete=False)

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'dcase_util.processors.MetadataReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {}
        'processor_name': 'dcase_util.processors.EventRollEncodingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'label_list': dcase_util.utils.Example.event_metadata_container().unique_event_labels,
            'time_resolution': 0.02,

# Do the processing
data = chain.process(,

# Plot data

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Getting event roll for focus segment:

import tempfile
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r+', suffix='.txt', delete=False)

# Define processing chain
chain = dcase_util.processors.ProcessingChain([
        'processor_name': 'dcase_util.processors.MetadataReadingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {}
        'processor_name': 'dcase_util.processors.EventRollEncodingProcessor',
        'init_parameters': {
            'label_list': dcase_util.utils.Example.event_metadata_container().unique_event_labels,
            'time_resolution': 0.02,

# Do the processing
data = chain.process(,

# Plot data

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
