Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os
import soundfile
import tempfile
import numpy
import librosa
from six.moves.http_client import BadStatusLine

from dcase_util.containers import ContainerMixin, FileMixin
from dcase_util.ui.ui import FancyStringifier, FancyHTMLStringifier
from dcase_util.utils import FileFormat, Path, is_int, is_jupyter, get_audio_info

[docs]class AudioContainer(ContainerMixin, FileMixin): """Audio container class.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.WAV, FileFormat.FLAC, FileFormat.OGG, FileFormat.M4A, FileFormat.WEBM, FileFormat.MP3, FileFormat.MP4, FileFormat.MKV] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, fs=44100, focus_start_samples=None, focus_stop_samples=None, focus_channel=None, channel_labels=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray Data to initialize the container Default value None fs : int Target sampling frequency, if loaded audio does have different sampling frequency, audio will be re-sampled. Default value "44100" focus_start_samples : int Focus segment start Default value None focus_stop_samples : int Focus segment stop Default value None focus_channel : int Focus segment channel Default value None channel_labels : list Channel names Default value None filename : str, optional File path """ # Run ContainerMixin init ContainerMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run FileMixin init FileMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(AudioContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.channel_axis = 0 self.time_axis = 1 # Audio data if data is None: # Initialize with array data = numpy.ndarray((0, )) if isinstance(data, list): data = numpy.vstack(data) self._data = data self.data_synced_with_file = False self.fs = fs self.filetype_info = None # Filename if self.filename: self.detect_file_format() self.validate_format() # Initialize focus segment variables self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None self._focus_channel = None # Set focus segment through properties self.focus_start_samples = focus_start_samples self.focus_stop_samples = focus_stop_samples self.focus_channel = focus_channel self.channel_labels = channel_labels
def __getstate__(self): d = super(AudioContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'channel_axis': self.channel_axis, 'time_axis': self.time_axis, '_data': self._data, 'data_synced_with_file': self.data_synced_with_file, 'fs': self.fs, 'filetype_info': self.filetype_info, 'filename': self.filename, '_focus_start': self._focus_start, '_focus_stop': self._focus_stop, '_focus_channel': self._focus_channel, }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(AudioContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self.channel_axis = d['channel_axis'] self.time_axis = d['time_axis'] self._data = d['_data'] self.data_synced_with_file = d['data_synced_with_file'] self.fs = d['fs'] self.filetype_info = d['filetype_info'] self.filename = d['filename'] self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None self._focus_channel = None self.focus_start = d['_focus_start'] self.focus_stop = d['_focus_stop'] self.focus_channel = d['_focus_channel'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = '' output += ui.class_name(self.__class__.__name__, indent=indent) + '\n' if self.filename: output += field='Filename', value=self.filename, indent=indent ) + '\n' if self.filetype_info and self.filetype_info.values: output += field='Format', value=self.format + ' (' + ', '.join(self.filetype_info.values()) + ')', indent=indent ) + '\n' else: output +='Format', value=self.format, indent=indent) + '\n' output += field='Synced', value='Yes' if self.data_synced_with_file else 'No', indent=indent ) + '\n' output += field='Sampling rate', value=str(self.fs), unit='hz', indent=indent ) + '\n' output += field='Channels', value=str(self.channels), indent=indent ) + '\n' if self.channel_labels: if isinstance(self.channel_labels, list): output += field='Labels', value='', indent=indent + 2 ) + '\n' for channel_id, label in enumerate(self.channel_labels): output += field='[{channel_id}]'.format(channel_id=channel_id), value=str(label), indent=indent+3 ) + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration', indent=indent) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 2, field='Seconds', value=self.duration_sec, unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 2, field='Milliseconds', value=self.duration_ms, unit='ms' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 2, field='Samples', value=self.duration_samples, unit='samples' ) + '\n' if self._focus_channel is not None or self._focus_start is not None or self._focus_stop is not None: output += ui.line(field='Focus segment', indent=indent) + '\n' if self.focus_channel is not None: if self.channels == 2: if self._focus_channel == 0: output += indent=indent + 4, field='Channel', value='{channel} [{label}]'.format( channel=self._focus_channel, label='Left Channel' ) ) + '\n' elif self._focus_channel == 1: output += indent=indent + 4, field='Channel', value='{channel} [{label}]'.format( channel=self._focus_channel, label='Right Channel' ) ) + '\n' else: output += indent=indent + 4, field='Channel', value=self._focus_channel ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 2, field='Duration' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Seconds', value=self.focus_stop_seconds - self.focus_start_seconds, unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Samples', value=self.focus_stop_samples - self.focus_start_samples, unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 2, field='Start point' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Seconds', value=self.focus_start_seconds, unit='sec') + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Samples', value=self.focus_start_samples, unit='samples' ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 2, field='Stop point' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Seconds', value=self.focus_stop_seconds, unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Samples', value=self.focus_stop_samples, unit='samples' ) + '\n' return output def __nonzero__(self): return self.loaded def __getitem__(self, i): """Get ith sample, in case of multiple channels array is across channels is returned""" if not isinstance(i, int): raise TypeError("Index should be integer") if i < 0 or i > self.length: raise KeyError(i) if len(self._data.shape) == 1: return self._data[i] elif len(self._data.shape) > 1: return self._data[:, i] else: return None def __setitem__(self, i, value): """Set ith sample""" if not isinstance(i, int): raise TypeError("Index should be integer") if i < 0 or i > self.length: raise KeyError(i) if len(self._data.shape) == 1: self._data[i] = value elif len(self._data.shape) > 1: self._data[:, i] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): return self.length @property def data(self): """Audio data Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Audio data """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value self.data_synced_with_file = False @property def focus_start_samples(self): """Focus segment start in samples. Returns ------- int Focus segment start in samples """ return self._focus_start @focus_start_samples.setter def focus_start_samples(self, value): if value is not None and value > 0: value = int(value) self._focus_start = value if self._focus_stop is not None and self._focus_stop < self._focus_start: # focus points are reversed start = self._focus_start self._focus_start = self._focus_stop self._focus_stop = start else: self._focus_start = 0 @property def focus_start_seconds(self): """Focus segment start in seconds. Returns ------- int Focus segment start in seconds """ return self._sample_to_time(sample=self.focus_start_samples) @focus_start_seconds.setter def focus_start_seconds(self, value): self.focus_start_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=value) @property def focus_stop_samples(self): """Focus segment stop in samples. Returns ------- int Focus segment stop in samples """ if self._focus_stop is None: return self.length else: return self._focus_stop @focus_stop_samples.setter def focus_stop_samples(self, value): if value is None: self._focus_stop = None else: if value <= self.duration_samples and value is not None: value = int(value) self._focus_stop = value if self._focus_start is not None and self._focus_stop < self._focus_start: # focus points are reversed start = self._focus_start self._focus_start = self._focus_stop self._focus_stop = start else: self._focus_stop = self.duration_samples @property def focus_stop_seconds(self): """Focus segment stop in seconds. Returns ------- int Focus segment stop in seconds """ return self._sample_to_time(sample=self.focus_stop_samples) @focus_stop_seconds.setter def focus_stop_seconds(self, value): self.focus_stop_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=value) @property def focus_channel(self): """Focus channel Returns ------- int or str Focus channel """ return self._focus_channel @focus_channel.setter def focus_channel(self, value): if value is not None and is_int(value): if 0 <= value < self.channels: self._focus_channel = value else: self._focus_channel = None elif value is not None and isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() == 'mixdown': self._focus_channel = 'mixdown' elif value.lower() == 'left' or value.lower() == 'l': self._focus_channel = 0 elif value.lower() == 'right' or value.lower() == 'r': self._focus_channel = 1 else: # Unknown channel label given message = '{name}: Unknown channel [{channel}]'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, channel=value) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) else: self._focus_channel = None @property def loaded(self): """Audio load status. Returns ------- bool Audio status """ if isinstance(self._data, numpy.ndarray) and len(self._data) > 0: return True else: return False @property def shape(self): """Audio data shape. Returns ------- tuple shape of audio data """ if self.loaded: return self._data.shape else: return None @property def length(self): """Length of audio data in samples. Returns ------- int Audio length """ if self.loaded: if len(self._data.shape) == 1: return self._data.shape[0] elif len(self._data.shape) > 1: return self._data.shape[-1] else: return 0 else: return 0 @property def duration_samples(self): """Duration of audio data in samples. Returns ------- int Audio duration """ return self.length @property def duration_ms(self): """Duration of audio data in milliseconds. Returns ------- float Audio duration """ return (self.length / float(self.fs)) * 1000 @property def duration_sec(self): """Duration of audio data in seconds. Returns ------- float Audio duration """ return self.length / float(self.fs) @property def channels(self): """Number of audio channels. Returns ------- int Number of audio channels """ if self.loaded: if len( == 2: return self._data.shape[self.channel_axis] elif len( == 1: return 1 else: return 0 else: return 0 @property def streams(self): """Rename channels for compatibility. Returns ------- int Number of streams """ return self.channels @property def empty(self): """Check if audio data is empty. In case audio is not yet loaded it is first loaded into container from disk. Returns ------- bool """ if self.loaded: if self.length == 0: return True else: return False else: if self.filename and self.exists(): # Audio data is not yet loaded and filename set and file exists, load the data from a file self.load() if self.length == 0: return True else: return False else: return True
[docs] def load(self, filename=None, fs='native', mono=False, res_type='kaiser_best', start=None, stop=None, auto_trimming=False): """Load file Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path, if None given filename parameter given to class constructor is used. fs : int or str Target sampling frequency, if loaded audio does have different sampling frequency, audio will be re-sampled. If None given, value given to class constructor is used. If 'native' is given then native sampling frequency defined by audio file is used. Default value 'native' mono : bool Monophonic target, multi-channel audio will be down-mixed. Default value False res_type : str Resample type, defined by Librosa. Default value 'kaiser_best' start : float, optional Segment start time in seconds. Default value None stop : float, optional Segment stop time in seconds. Default value None auto_trimming : bool In case using segment stop parameter, the parameter is adjusted automatically if it exceeds the file duration. Default value False Raises ------ IOError: File does not exists or has unknown file format Returns ------- self """ if filename is not None: self.filename = filename self.detect_file_format() self.validate_format() if self.exists(): if fs is None: # Use sampling frequency defined in class construction. fs = self.fs info = get_audio_info(filename=self.filename) # Check start and stop parameters against file duration if start is not None and start < 0: message = '{name}: Start parameter is negative [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) elif info['duration_sec'] and start is not None and start > info['duration_sec']: message = '{name}: Start parameter exceeds file length [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) if stop is not None and stop < 0: message = '{name}: Stop parameter is negative [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) elif info['duration_sec'] and stop is not None and stop > info['duration_sec'] and not auto_trimming: message = '{name}: Stop parameter exceeds file length [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) if self.format == FileFormat.WAV: self.filetype_info = { 'subtype': info['subtype']['name'], 'subtype_info': info['subtype']['info'] } # Handle segment start and stop if start is not None and stop is not None: start_sample = int(start * info['fs']) stop_sample = int(stop * info['fs']) if stop_sample > info['duration_samples']: stop_sample = info['duration_samples'] else: start_sample = None stop_sample = None self._data, source_fs = file=self.filename, start=start_sample, stop=stop_sample ) self._data = self._data.T # Down-mix audio if mono and len(self._data.shape) > 1: self._data = numpy.mean(self._data, axis=self.channel_axis) if fs == 'native': # Use native sampling frequency. self.fs = source_fs else: # Target sampling frequency defined, possibly re-sample signal. if fs != source_fs: self._data = librosa.core.resample( self._data, orig_sr=source_fs, target_sr=fs, res_type=res_type ) # Store sampling frequency self.fs = fs elif self.format in [FileFormat.FLAC, FileFormat.OGG, FileFormat.MP3, FileFormat.M4A, FileFormat.MP4, FileFormat.WEBM, FileFormat.MKV]: # Handle segment start and stop if start is not None and stop is not None: offset = start duration = stop - start elif start is not None: offset = start duration = None else: offset = 0.0 duration = None if fs == 'native': # Use native sampling frequency sr = None else: # Use target sampling frequency sr = fs self._data, self.fs = librosa.load( self.filename, sr=sr, mono=mono, res_type=res_type, offset=offset, duration=duration ) if not auto_trimming and duration is not None and round(duration, 6) != self.duration_sec: message = '{name}: Check start and stop parameter, requested duration exceeds the file length [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) else: message = '{name}: Unknown format [{format}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, format=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) else: message = '{name}: File does not exists [{file}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, file=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) # Check if after load function is defined, call if found if hasattr(self, '_after_load'): self._after_load() # Internal data is synced with the file, until it is edited. self.data_synced_with_file = True return self
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, bit_depth=16, bit_rate=None): """Save audio Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path, if None given filename parameter given to class constructor is used. Default value None bit_depth : int, optional Bit depth for audio. Default value 16 bit_rate : int, optional Bit rate for compressed audio formats. Default value None Raises ------ ImportError: Error if file format specific module cannot be imported IOError: File has unknown file format Returns ------- self """ if filename: self.filename = filename self.detect_file_format() self.validate_format() if self.filename is None or self.filename == '': message = '{name}: Filename is empty [{filename}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, filename=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) # Check if before save function is defined, call if found if hasattr(self, '_before_save'): self._before_save() if self.format == FileFormat.WAV: if bit_depth == 16: subtype = 'PCM_16' elif bit_depth == 24: subtype = 'PCM_24' elif bit_depth == 32: subtype = 'PCM_32' else: message = '{name}: Unexpected bit depth [{bitdepth}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, bitdepth=bit_depth ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) soundfile.write( file=self.filename, data=self._data.T, samplerate=self.fs, subtype=subtype ) elif self.format == FileFormat.FLAC: if bit_depth == 16: subtype = 'PCM_16' elif bit_depth == 24: subtype = 'PCM_24' elif bit_depth == 32: subtype = 'PCM_32' else: message = '{name}: Unexpected bit depth [{bitdepth}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, bitdepth=bit_depth ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) soundfile.write( file=self.filename, data=self._data.T, samplerate=self.fs, format='flac', subtype=subtype ) elif self.format == FileFormat.OGG: soundfile.write( file=self.filename, data=self._data.T, samplerate=self.fs, format='OGG', subtype='VORBIS' ) elif self.format == FileFormat.MP3: # Notice: Saving with MP3 format results in slightly longer signal than original. # Difference is due to padding in the compression algorithm, and is usually around 200 - 1000 samples. import subprocess import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': ffmpeg_binary = "ffmpeg.exe" else: ffmpeg_binary = "ffmpeg" if bit_rate not in [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320]: message = '{name}: Unsupported bit rate [{bitrate}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, bitrate=bit_rate ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) command = [ ffmpeg_binary, '-y', # enable overwrite file '-f', 's16le', # input format '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le', # input bit depth '-r', str(self.fs), # sampling rate '-ac', str(self.channels), # amount of channels '-i', '-', # input from pipe '-vn', # no video input '-acodec', 'libmp3lame', # output audio codec '-b:a', "{bitrate:d}k".format(bitrate=bit_rate), # bit rate self.filename # output filename ] popen_parameters = { 'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE } pipe = subprocess.Popen( command, **popen_parameters ) # Convert signal data from float [-1,1] to signed 16-bit audio_signal = numpy.asarray( signal_max_value = 2 ** (16 - 1) audio_signal = (audio_signal * signal_max_value).clip( -signal_max_value, signal_max_value - 1 ).astype('int16') try: try: pipe.stdin.write( audio_signal.tobytes() ) except NameError: pipe.stdin.write( audio_signal.tostring() ) except IOError as error: pipe_error = error = str(error) error += "\n\nFFMPEG encountered the following error {filename}:".format(filename=self.filename) error += "\n\n" + str(pipe_error) raise IOError(error) pipe.stdin.close() if pipe.stderr is not None: pipe.stderr.close() pipe.wait() else: message = '{name}: Unknown format for saving [{format}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, format=self.filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) # Check if after save function is defined, call if found if hasattr(self, '_after_save'): self._after_save() # Internal data is synced with the file, until it is edited. self.data_synced_with_file = True return self
[docs] def load_from_youtube(self, query_id, start=None, stop=None, mono=False, silent=True): """Load audio data from youtube Parameters ---------- query_id : str Youtube query id. start : float, optional Segment start time in seconds. Default value None stop : float, optional Segment stop time in seconds. Default value None mono : bool Monophonic target, multi-channel audio will be down-mixed. Default value False silent : bool Switch to show progress bar. Default value True Raises ------ IOError: Youtube video does not exists or cannot be downloaded Returns ------- self """ if is_jupyter(): from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm else: from tqdm import tqdm def progress_hook(t): """Wraps tqdm instance. Don't forget to close() or __exit__() the tqdm instance once you're done with it (easiest using `with` syntax). """ def inner(total, recvd, ratio, rate, eta): = int(total / 1024.0) t.update(int(recvd / 1024.0)) return inner try: import pafy except ImportError: message = '{name}: Unable to import pafy module. You can install it with `pip install pafy`.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger().exception(message) raise ImportError(message) try: from youtube_dl.utils import ExtractorError except ImportError: message = '{name}: Unable to import youtube_dl module. You can install it with `pip install youtube-dl`.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger().exception(message) raise ImportError(message) try: # Access youtube video and get best quality audio stream youtube_audio = url='{query_id}'.format(query_id=query_id), basic=False, gdata=False, size=False ).getbestaudio() # Get temp file tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.'+youtube_audio.extension) # Get temporary filename tmp_filename = # Remove temporary file (avoid FileExistsError on Windows) tmp_file.close() download_progress_bar = None if not silent: # Create download progress bar download_progress_bar = tqdm( desc="{0: <25s}".format('Download youtube item '), file=sys.stdout, unit='B', unit_scale=True, leave=False, disable=self.disable_progress_bar, ascii=self.use_ascii_progress_bar ) callback = progress_hook(download_progress_bar) else: callback = None # Download audio filepath=tmp_filename, quiet=True, callback=callback ) if not silent: # Close progress bar download_progress_bar.close() # Create audio processing progress bar audio_processing_progress_bar = tqdm( desc="{0: <25s}".format('Processing '), initial=0, total=4, file=sys.stdout, leave=False, disable=self.disable_progress_bar, ascii=self.use_ascii_progress_bar ) # Store current filename filename = self.filename # Load audio segment self.load( filename=tmp_filename, mono=mono, fs=self.fs, res_type='kaiser_best', start=float(start) if start is not None else None, stop=float(stop) if stop is not None else None ) # Restore filename if filename: self.filename = filename self.detect_file_format() if not silent: audio_processing_progress_bar.update(1) audio_processing_progress_bar.update(3) audio_processing_progress_bar.close() except (IOError, BadStatusLine, ExtractorError) as e: # Store files with errors raise IOError(e.message) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # Remove temporal file and current audio file. os.remove(self.filename) raise return self
[docs] def normalize(self, headroom=0.005): """Normalize audio data. Data is normalized between -(1.0 - headroom) and +(1.0 - headroom) Parameters ---------- headroom : float How much headroom there should be left under 1.0. Default value 0.005 Returns ------- self """ if self.channels > 1: for channel_data in self._data: mean_value = numpy.mean(channel_data) channel_data -= mean_value max_value = max(abs(channel_data)) + headroom channel_data /= max_value else: mean_value = numpy.mean(self._data) self._data -= mean_value if len(self._data.shape) == 2: max_value = max(abs(self._data[self.channel_axis, :])) + headroom else: max_value = max(abs(self._data)) + headroom self._data /= max_value return self
[docs] def resample(self, target_fs, scale=True, res_type='kaiser_best'): """Resample audio data. Parameters ---------- target_fs : int Target sampling rate scale : bool Scale the resampled signal to have approximately equal total energy (see `librosa.core.resample`). Default value True res_type : str Resample type (see `librosa.core.resample`) Default value 'kaiser_best' Returns ------- self """ if target_fs != self.fs: self._data = numpy.asfortranarray(self._data) self._data = librosa.resample( y=self._data, orig_sr=self.fs, target_sr=target_fs, scale=scale, res_type=res_type ) self.fs = target_fs return self
[docs] def mixdown(self): """Mix all audio channels into single channel. Returns ------- self """ self.reset_focus() self.set_focus(channel='mixdown') self.freeze() return self
[docs] def reset_focus(self): """Reset focus segment. Returns ------- self """ self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None self._focus_channel = None return self
[docs] def set_focus(self, start=None, stop=None, duration=None, start_seconds=None, stop_seconds=None, duration_seconds=None, channel=None): """Set focus segment Parameters ---------- start : int Sample index of focus segment start. Default value None stop : int Sample index of focus segment stop. Default value None duration : int Sample count of focus segment. Default value None start_seconds : float Time stamp (in seconds) of focus segment start. Default value None stop_seconds : float Time stamp (in seconds) of focus segment stop. Default value None duration_seconds : float Duration (in seconds) of focus segment. Default value None channel : int or str Audio channel id or name to focus. In case of stereo signal, valid channel labels to select single channel are 'L', 'R', 'left', and 'right' or 0, 1, and to get mixed down version of all channels 'mixdown'. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if start is not None or stop is not None or duration is not None: # Sample based setting if start is not None and stop is not None: self.reset_focus() self.focus_start_samples = start self.focus_stop_samples = stop elif start is not None and duration is not None: self.reset_focus() self.focus_start_samples = start self.focus_stop_samples = start + duration elif start_seconds is not None or stop_seconds is not None or duration_seconds is not None: # Time based setting if start_seconds is not None and stop_seconds is not None: self.reset_focus() self.focus_start_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=start_seconds) self.focus_stop_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=stop_seconds) elif start_seconds is not None and duration_seconds is not None: self.reset_focus() self.focus_start_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=start_seconds) self.focus_stop_samples = self._time_to_sample(time=start_seconds + duration_seconds) else: # Reset self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None self.focus_channel = channel return self
[docs] def get_focused(self): """Get focus segment from audio data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ focused_data = None if self.focus_start_samples is not None or self.focus_stop_samples is not None: if self.focus_start_samples is not None: focus_start_samples = self.focus_start_samples else: focus_start_samples = 0 if self.focus_stop_samples is not None: focus_stop_samples = self.focus_stop_samples else: focus_stop_samples = self.length if self.channels == 1: # We have single channel focused_data = self._data[focus_start_samples:focus_stop_samples] elif self.channels > 1: # We have multichannel audio focused_data = [] for channel_data in self._data: focused_data.append(channel_data[focus_start_samples:focus_stop_samples]) focused_data = numpy.vstack(focused_data) else: focused_data = self._data if self.focus_channel is not None and is_int(self.focus_channel) and 0 <= self.focus_channel < self.channels: return focused_data[self.focus_channel, :] elif self.focus_channel == 'mixdown' and self.channels > 1: return numpy.mean(focused_data, axis=self.channel_axis) else: return focused_data
[docs] def freeze(self): """Freeze focus segment, copy segment to be container's data. Returns ------- self """ self._data = self.get_focused() self.reset_focus() return self
[docs] def frames(self, frame_length=None, hop_length=None, frame_length_seconds=None, hop_length_seconds=None): """Slice audio into overlapping frames. Parameters ---------- frame_length : int, optional Frame length in samples. Set either frame_length or frame_length_seconds. Default value None hop_length : int, optional Frame hop length in samples. Set either hop_length or hop_length_seconds. Default value None frame_length_seconds : float, optional Frame length in seconds, converted into samples based on sampling rate. Default value None hop_length_seconds: float, optional Frame hop length in seconds, converted into samples based on sampling rate. Default value None Raises ------ ValueError: No frame_length and no frame_length_seconds given. No hop_length and no hop_length_seconds given. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ if not frame_length and frame_length_seconds: frame_length = int(self.fs * frame_length_seconds) if not hop_length and hop_length_seconds: hop_length = int(self.fs * hop_length_seconds) if not frame_length: message = '{name}: Specify frame_length parameter for frame splitting.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if not hop_length: message = '{name}: Specify hop_length parameter for frame splitting.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if self.channels == 1: return librosa.util.frame( x=self.get_focused(), frame_length=frame_length, hop_length=hop_length ) else: data = [] for channel_id, channel_data in enumerate(self.get_focused()): data.append( librosa.util.frame( x=channel_data, frame_length=frame_length, hop_length=hop_length ) ) return numpy.array(data)
def segments(self, segment_length=None, segment_length_seconds=None, segments=None, active_segments=None, skip_segments=None): """Slice audio into segments. Parameters ---------- segment_length : int, optional Segment length in samples. Set either segment_length or segment_length_seconds. Used to produce consecutive non-overlapping segments. Default value None segment_length_seconds : float, optional Segment length in seconds, converted into samples based on sampling rate. Used to produce consecutive non-overlapping segments. Set either segment_length or segment_length_seconds. Default value None segments : list of dict or MetaDataContainer, optional List of time segments (onset and offset). If none given, segment length is used to produce consecutive non-overlapping segments. Default value None active_segments : list of dict or MetaDataContainer, optional List of time segments (onset and offset) to be used when creating segments. Only used when segment_length or segment_length_seconds are given and segments are generated within this method. Default value None skip_segments : list of dict or MetaDataContainer, optional List of time segments (onset and offset) to be skipped when creating segments. Only used when segment_length or segment_length_seconds are given and segments are generated within this method. Default value None Raises ------ ValueError: No segments and no segment_length given. Returns ------- list, MetaDataContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import MetaDataContainer if not segment_length and segment_length_seconds: # Get segment_length from segment_length_seconds segment_length = int(self.fs * segment_length_seconds) if segments is None and segment_length is not None: if skip_segments is not None: # Make sure skip segments is MetaDataContainer skip_segments = MetaDataContainer(skip_segments) if active_segments is not None: # Make sure active segments is MetaDataContainer active_segments = MetaDataContainer(active_segments) segments = MetaDataContainer() for active_seg in active_segments: segment_start = int(self.fs * active_seg.onset) while segment_start + segment_length < int(self.fs * active_seg.offset): # Segment stop segment_stop = segment_start + segment_length if skip_segments is not None: # Go through skip segments and adjust segment start and stop to avoid segments for item in skip_segments: if item.active_within_segment( start=segment_start / float(self.fs), stop=segment_stop / float(self.fs) ): # Adjust segment start to avoid current skip segment segment_start = int(self.fs * item.offset) # Adjust segment stop accordingly segment_stop = segment_start + segment_length if segment_stop < self.length: # Valid segment found, store it segments.append( { 'onset': segment_start / float(self.fs), 'offset': segment_stop / float(self.fs), } ) # Set next segment start segment_start = segment_stop # Stop loop if segment_start is out of signal if segment_start > self.length: break else: # No segments given, get segments based on segment_length segment_start = 0 segments = MetaDataContainer() while True: # Segment stop segment_stop = segment_start + segment_length if skip_segments is not None: # Go through skip segments and adjust segment start and stop to avoid segments for item in skip_segments: if item.active_within_segment( start=segment_start/float(self.fs), stop=segment_stop/float(self.fs) ): # Adjust segment start to avoid current skip segment segment_start = int(self.fs * item.offset) # Adjust segment stop accordingly segment_stop = segment_start + segment_length if segment_stop < self.length: # Valid segment found, store it segments.append( { 'onset': segment_start/float(self.fs), 'offset': segment_stop/float(self.fs), } ) # Set next segment start segment_start = segment_stop # Stop loop if segment_start is out of signal if segment_start > self.length: break elif segments is not None: # Make sure segments is MetadataContainer segments = MetaDataContainer(segments) else: message = '{name}: Specify segments parameter or segment_length for segment creation.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get audio segments data = [] for segment in segments: segment_start_samples = int(self.fs * segment.onset) segment_stop_samples = int(self.fs * segment.offset) if self.channels > 1: data.append( self._data[:, segment_start_samples:segment_stop_samples] ) else: data.append( self._data[segment_start_samples:segment_stop_samples] ) return data, segments def pad(self, type='silence', length=None, length_seconds=None): """Generate signal Parameters ---------- type : str Default value 'silence' length : int, optional Default value None length_seconds : float, optional Default value None Returns ------- list, MetaDataContainer """ if not length and length_seconds is not None: # Get length from length_seconds length = int(self.fs * length_seconds) if self.length < length: if type == 'silence': if len( == 1: self._data = numpy.pad( array=self._data, pad_width=(0, length-self.length), mode='constant' ) else: self._data = numpy.pad( array=self._data, pad_width=((0, 0), (0, length-self.length)), mode='constant' ) return self
[docs] def plot(self, plot_type='wave', **kwargs): """Visualize audio data Parameters ---------- plot_type : str Visualization type, 'wave' for waveform plot, 'spec' for spectrogram, 'dual' for showing both at the same time. Default value 'wave' Returns ------- self """ if plot_type == 'wave': self.plot_wave(**kwargs) elif plot_type == 'spec': self.plot_spec(**kwargs) elif plot_type == 'dual': if kwargs.get('figsize') is None: figsize = (10, 8) else: figsize = kwargs.get('figsize') if self.channels == 1: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) self.plot_wave( x_axis=kwargs.get('x_axis', 'time'), max_points=kwargs.get('max_points', 50000.0), max_sr=kwargs.get('max_sr', 1000), offset=kwargs.get('offset', 0.0), color=kwargs.get('color', '#333333'), alpha=kwargs.get('alpha', 1.0), show_filename=kwargs.get('show_filename', True), show_xaxis=False, plot=False, figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', None), channel_labels=kwargs.get('channel_labels', None) ) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) self.plot_spec( spec_type=kwargs.get('spec_type', 'log'), hop_length=kwargs.get('hop_length', 512), cmap=kwargs.get('cmap', 'magma'), show_filename=False, show_xaxis=kwargs.get('show_xaxis', True), show_colorbar=False, plot=False, figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', None), channel_labels=kwargs.get('channel_labels', None) ) else: # TODO dual plotting for multichannel audio. message = '{name}: Dual plotting of multi-channel audio is not yet implemented.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def plot_wave(self, x_axis='time', max_points=50000.0, max_sr=1000, offset=0.0, color='#333333', alpha=1.0, show_filename=True, show_xaxis=True, plot=True, figsize=None, channel_labels=None): """Visualize audio data as waveform. Parameters ---------- x_axis : str X-axis type. Default value 'time' max_points : float Maximum number of time-points to plot (see `librosa.display.waveplot`). Default value 50000 max_sr : number Maximum sampling rate for the visualization Default value 1000 offset : float Horizontal offset (in time) to start the waveform plot (see `librosa.display.waveplot`). Default value 0.0 color : str or list of str Waveform fill color in hex-code. Per channel colors can be given as list of str. Default value '#333333' alpha : float Alpha of the waveform fill color. Default value 1.0 show_filename : bool Show filename as figure title. Default value True show_xaxis : bool Show X-axis. Default value True plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None channel_labels : list Channel names Default value None Returns ------- self """ if channel_labels is None: channel_labels = self.channel_labels if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from librosa.display import waveplot if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) title = Path(self.filename).shorten() if self.channels > 1 and len(self.get_focused().shape) > 1: # Plotting for multi-channel audio for channel_id, channel_data in enumerate(self.get_focused()): ax = plt.subplot(self.channels, 1, channel_id + 1) if channel_id + 1 != self.channels: current_x_axis = None else: current_x_axis = x_axis if isinstance(color, list) and channel_id < len(color): current_color = color[channel_id] else: current_color = color waveplot( y=channel_data.ravel(), sr=self.fs, x_axis=current_x_axis, max_points=max_points, max_sr=max_sr, offset=offset, color=current_color, alpha=alpha ) if isinstance(channel_labels, list) and channel_id < len(channel_labels): plt.ylabel('{channel_label} / Ch{channel:d}'.format( channel_label=channel_labels[channel_id], channel=channel_id) ) else: plt.ylabel('Channel {channel:d}'.format(channel=channel_id)) if channel_id == 0 and show_filename: if self.filename: plt.title(title) if channel_id+1 != self.channels or not show_xaxis: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) else: # Plotting for single channel audio if isinstance(color, list) and len(color): current_color = color[0] else: current_color = color ax = waveplot( y=self.get_focused().ravel(), sr=self.fs, x_axis=x_axis, max_points=max_points, max_sr=max_sr, offset=offset, color=current_color, alpha=alpha ) if isinstance(channel_labels, list) and len(channel_labels): plt.ylabel('{channel_label}'.format(channel_label=channel_labels[0])) else: plt.ylabel('Channel {channel:d}'.format(channel=0)) if self.filename and show_filename: plt.title(title) if not show_xaxis: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if plot:
[docs] def plot_spec(self, spec_type='log', hop_length=512, cmap='magma', show_filename=True, show_xaxis=True, show_colorbar=False, plot=True, figsize=None, channel_labels=None): """Visualize audio data as spectrogram. Parameters ---------- spec_type : str Spectrogram type, use 'linear', 'log', 'cqt', 'cqt_hz', and 'cqt_note'. Default value 'log' hop_length : float Hop length, also used to determine time scale in x-axis (see `librosa.display.specshow`). Default value 512 cmap : float Color map (see `librosa.display.specshow`). Default value 'magma' show_filename : bool Show filename as figure title. Default value True show_xaxis : bool Show X-axis. Default value True show_colorbar : bool Show color bar next to plot. Default value False plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None channel_labels : list Channel names Default value None Returns ------- self """ if channel_labels is None: channel_labels = self.channel_labels if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) from librosa.display import specshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) title = Path(self.filename).shorten() if self.channels > 1: for channel_id, channel_data in enumerate(self.get_focused()): ax = plt.subplot(self.channels, 1, channel_id+1) if spec_type in ['linear', 'log']: D = librosa.core.amplitude_to_db(numpy.abs(librosa.stft(channel_data.ravel())) ** 2, ref=numpy.max) elif spec_type.startswith('cqt'): D = librosa.core.amplitude_to_db(librosa.cqt(channel_data.ravel(), sr=self.fs), ref=numpy.max) else: message = '{name}: Unknown spec_type given for plot_spec'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if spec_type == 'linear': specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'log': specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='log', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'cqt_hz' or 'cqt': specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='cqt_hz', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'cqt_note': specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='cqt_note', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) if show_colorbar: plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB') if isinstance(channel_labels, list) and channel_id < len(channel_labels): plt.ylabel('{channel_label} / Ch{channel:d}'.format( channel_label=channel_labels[channel_id], channel=channel_id) ) else: plt.ylabel('Channel {channel:d}'.format(channel=channel_id)) if channel_id == 0 and self.filename: plt.title(title) if channel_id+1 != self.channels or not show_xaxis: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) else: channel_id = 0 if spec_type in ['linear', 'log']: D = librosa.core.amplitude_to_db( numpy.abs(librosa.stft(self.get_focused().ravel())) ** 2, ref=numpy.max ) elif spec_type.startswith('cqt'): D = librosa.core.amplitude_to_db( librosa.cqt(self.get_focused().ravel(), sr=self.fs), ref=numpy.max ) else: message = '{name}: Unknown spec_type given'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if spec_type == 'linear': ax = specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'log': ax = specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='log', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'cqt_hz' or 'cqt': ax = specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='cqt_hz', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) elif spec_type == 'cqt_note': ax = specshow( data=D, sr=self.fs, y_axis='cqt_note', x_axis='time', hop_length=hop_length, cmap=cmap ) if show_colorbar: plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB') if isinstance(channel_labels, list) and len(channel_labels): plt.ylabel('{channel_label}'.format( channel_label=channel_labels[0]) ) else: plt.ylabel('Channel {channel:d}'.format(channel=0)) if not show_xaxis: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if show_filename and channel_id == 0: plt.title(title) if plot:
def _time_to_sample(self, time): """Time to sample index. Parameters ---------- time : float Time stamp in seconds. Returns ------- int """ return int(time * self.fs) def _sample_to_time(self, sample): """Sample index to time. Parameters ---------- sample : int Sample index. Returns ------- float """ return sample / float(self.fs)
[docs] def overlay(self, audio, start_seconds=0, multiplier=0): """Simple sample overlay method Parameters ---------- audio : AudioContainer Audio to be mixed start_seconds : float Time stamp (in seconds) of segment start. Default value 0 multiplier : float Audio data multiplier Default value 0 Returns ------- self """ start_samples = int(start_seconds * self.fs) audio_data = audio.get_focused() segment_length = len(audio_data) self._data[start_samples:start_samples+segment_length] += audio_data * multiplier return self