Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from six import iteritems
import numpy
import copy
import os
import glob
from past.builtins import basestring

from dcase_util.containers import ObjectContainer, RepositoryContainer, OneToOneMappingContainer
from dcase_util.ui import FancyStringifier
from dcase_util.utils import FileFormat, filelist_exists

[docs]class DataContainer(ObjectContainer): """Container class for data, inherited from ObjectContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, stats=None, metadata=None, time_resolution=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path Default value None data : numpy.ndarray, optional Data to initialize the container Default value None stats : dict, optional Statistics of the data Default value None metadata : dict or MetadataContainer, optional MetadataContainer Default value None time_resolution : float, optional Time resolution Default value None processing_chain : ProcessingChain, optional Processing chain. Default value None """ # Run ObjectContainer init ObjectContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(DataContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Data self._data = None if data is None: data = numpy.ndarray((0, )) = data # Stats if stats is None: stats = [] self._stats = stats # Metadata if metadata is None: metadata = {} self.metadata = metadata # Matrix axis self.time_axis = 0 # Timing self.time_resolution = time_resolution # Processing chain from dcase_util.processors import ProcessingChain if processing_chain is None: processing_chain = ProcessingChain() # Convert list to ProcessingChain if isinstance(processing_chain, list): processing_chain = ProcessingChain(processing_chain) else: message = '{name}: Wrong type of processing_chain given to class initializer.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) self.processing_chain = processing_chain # Focus self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None
def __getstate__(self): d = super(DataContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ '_data': self._data, 'time_axis': self.time_axis, 'time_resolution': self.time_resolution, 'metadata': self.metadata, 'processing_chain': self.processing_chain, '_stats': self._stats, '_focus_start': self._focus_start, '_focus_stop': self._focus_stop }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(DataContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self._data = d['_data'] self.time_axis = d['time_axis'] self.time_resolution = d['time_resolution'] self.metadata = d['metadata'] self.processing_chain = d['processing_chain'] self._stats = d['_stats'] self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None self.focus_start = d['_focus_start'] self.focus_stop = d['_focus_stop'] def __add__(self, other): new = copy.deepcopy(self) if isinstance(other, DataContainer): += elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray): += other return new def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DataContainer): += elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray): += other return self def __sub__(self, other): new = copy.deepcopy(self) if isinstance(other, DataContainer): -= elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray): -= other return new def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DataContainer): -= elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray): -= other return self @property def data(self): """Data matrix Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Data matrix """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value # Reset stats self._stats = None @property def shape(self): """Shape of data matrix Returns ------- tuple """ if isinstance(, numpy.ndarray): return else: return None @property def length(self): """Number of data columns Returns ------- int """ if isinstance(, numpy.ndarray): return[self.time_axis] else: return 0 @property def frames(self): """Number of data frames Returns ------- int """ return self.length def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(DataContainer, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data') + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='data', ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 4, field='Dimensions' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 6, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 4, field='Timing information' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 6, field='time_resolution', value=self.time_resolution, unit="sec" ) + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Meta') + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='stats', value='Calculated' if self._stats is not None else '-' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='metadata', value=self.metadata if self.metadata else '-' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='processing_chain', value=self.processing_chain if self.processing_chain else '-' ) + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration') + '\n' output += indent=indent + 4, field='Frames', value=self.length ) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += indent=indent + 4, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self.length), unit='sec' ) + '\n' if self._focus_start is not None and self._focus_stop is not None: output += ui.line(field='Focus segment', indent=indent) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 4, field='Duration' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 6, field='Index', value=self._focus_stop - self._focus_start ) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += indent=6, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self._focus_stop - self._focus_start), unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += ui.line( indent=indent + 4, field='Start' ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 6, field='Index', value=self._focus_start ) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += indent=indent + 6, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self._focus_start), unit='sec' ) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 4, field='Stop') + '\n' output += indent=indent + 6, field='Index', value=self._focus_stop ) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += indent=indent + 6, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self._focus_stop), unit='sec' ) + '\n' return output def __nonzero__(self): return self.length > 0 def __len__(self): return self.length
[docs] def push_processing_chain_item(self, processor_name, init_parameters=None, process_parameters=None, preprocessing_callbacks=None, input_type=None, output_type=None): """Push processing chain item Parameters ---------- processor_name : str Processor name init_parameters : dict, optional Initialization parameters for the processors Default value None process_parameters : dict, optional Parameters for the process method of the Processor Default value None preprocessing_callbacks : list of dicts Callbacks used for preprocessing Default value None input_type : ProcessingChainItemType Input data type Default value None output_type : ProcessingChainItemType Output data type Default value None Returns ------- self """ self.processing_chain.push_processor( processor_name=processor_name, init_parameters=init_parameters, process_parameters=process_parameters, preprocessing_callbacks=preprocessing_callbacks, input_type=input_type, output_type=output_type, ) return self
@property def focus_start(self): """Focus segment start Returns ------- int """ return self._focus_start @focus_start.setter def focus_start(self, value): if value is not None and value >= 0: self._focus_start = value if self._focus_stop is not None and self._focus_stop < self._focus_start: # focus points are reversed start = self._focus_start self._focus_start = self._focus_stop self._focus_stop = start else: # Keep focus start at zero self._focus_start = 0 @property def focus_stop(self): """Focus segment stop Returns ------- int """ return self._focus_stop @focus_stop.setter def focus_stop(self, value): if value is not None and value < self.length: self._focus_stop = value if self._focus_start is not None and self._focus_stop < self._focus_start: # focus points are reversed start = self._focus_start self._focus_start = self._focus_stop self._focus_stop = start else: # Keep focus stop at the end self._focus_stop = self.length @property def stats(self): """Basic statistics of data matrix. Returns ------- dict """ if not self.empty(): if not self._stats: self._stats = self._calculate_stats() return self._stats def _calculate_stats(self): """Calculate basic statistics of data matrix. Returns ------- dict """ return { 'mean': numpy.mean(, axis=self.time_axis), 'std': numpy.std(, axis=self.time_axis), 'n':[self.time_axis], 's1': numpy.sum(, axis=self.time_axis), 's2': numpy.sum( ** 2, axis=self.time_axis), } def _time_to_frame(self, time, rounding_direction=None): """Time to frame index based on time resolution of the data matrix. Parameters ---------- time : float Time stamp in seconds rounding_direction : str, optional Rounding direction, one of ['ceil', 'floor', None] Default value None Returns ------- int """ if rounding_direction is None: frame = int(time / float(self.time_resolution)) elif rounding_direction == 'ceil': frame = int(numpy.ceil(time / float(self.time_resolution))) elif rounding_direction == 'floor': frame = int(numpy.floor(time / float(self.time_resolution))) else: frame = int(time / float(self.time_resolution)) # Handle negative index and index outside matrix if frame < 0: frame = 0 elif frame > self.length: frame = self.length return frame def _frame_to_time(self, frame_id): """Frame index to time based on time resolution of the data matrix. Parameters ---------- frame_id : int Frame index Returns ------- float """ return frame_id * self.time_resolution def _length_to_frames(self, time): return int(numpy.ceil(time * 1.0 / self.time_resolution)) def _onset_to_frames(self, onset): return int(numpy.floor(onset * 1.0 / self.time_resolution)) def _offset_to_frames(self, offset): return int(numpy.ceil(offset * 1.0 / self.time_resolution)) def set_focus(self, start=None, stop=None, duration=None, start_seconds=None, stop_seconds=None, duration_seconds=None): """Set focus segment Parameters ---------- start : int, optional Frame index of focus segment start. Default value None stop : int, optional Frame index of focus segment stop. Default value None duration : int, optional Frame count of focus segment. Default value None start_seconds : float, optional Time stamp (in seconds) of focus segment start, will be converted to frame index based on time resolution of the data matrix. Default value None stop_seconds : float, optional Time stamp (in seconds) of focus segment stop, will be converted to frame index based on time resolution of the data matrix. Default value None duration_seconds : float, optional Duration (in seconds) of focus segment, will be converted to frame index based on time resolution of the data matrix. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if start is not None and stop is not None: # Set focus based start and stop given in index. self.focus_start = start self.focus_stop = stop elif start is not None and duration is not None: # Set focus based start and duration given in index. self.focus_start = start self.focus_stop = start + duration elif start_seconds is not None and stop_seconds is not None: # Set focus based on start and stop given in seconds self.focus_start = self._time_to_frame(time=start_seconds) self.focus_stop = self._time_to_frame(time=stop_seconds) elif start_seconds is not None and duration_seconds is not None: # Set focus based on start and duration given in seconds self.focus_start = self._time_to_frame(time=start_seconds) self.focus_stop = self._time_to_frame(time=start_seconds + duration_seconds) else: # Focus segment not set, reset segment self._focus_start = None self._focus_stop = None return self
[docs] def reset_focus(self): """Reset focus segment Returns ------- self """ self.set_focus() return self
[docs] def get_focused(self): """Get focus segment from data array. Returns ------- numpy.array """ if self.focus_start is not None and self.focus_stop is not None: # Focus is set return[self.focus_start:self.focus_stop] else: # Return all features return
[docs] def freeze(self): """Freeze focus segment, copy segment to be container's data. Returns ------- self """ self._data = self.get_focused() self.reset_focus() return self
[docs] def get_frames(self, frame_ids=None, frame_hop=1, **kwargs): """Get frames from data array. Parameters ---------- frame_ids : list of int, optional Frame ids of frames to be included. Default value None frame_hop : int, optional Frame hopping factor, with one every frame is included. Default value 1 Returns ------- numpy.array """ data = # Apply frame_ids if frame_ids is not None: data = data[frame_ids] return data[::frame_hop]
[docs] def plot(self, plot=True, figsize=None): """Visualize data array. Parameters ---------- plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from librosa.core import frames_to_time from librosa.display import TimeFormatter if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Plot feature matrix if self.time_resolution: sr = int(1.0 / float(self.time_resolution)) x_axis = 'time' else: sr = 1.0 x_axis = None y = self.get_focused()[0] locs = frames_to_time(frames=numpy.arange(len(y)), sr=sr, hop_length=1) plt.plot(locs, y) axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([locs.min(), locs.max()]) if x_axis == 'time': axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(TimeFormatter(lag=False)) axes.xaxis.set_label_text('Time') elif x_axis is None or x_axis in ['off', 'none']: axes.set_xticks([]) # Add filename to first subplot if self.filename: plt.title(self.filename) if plot: plt.tight_layout()
[docs]class DataArrayContainer(DataContainer): """Array data container class, inherited from DataContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, stats=None, metadata=None, time_resolution=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path Default value None data : numpy.ndarray, optional Data to initialize the container Default value None stats : dict, optional Statistics of the data Default value None metadata : dict or MetadataContainer, optional MetadataContainer Default value None time_resolution : float, optional Time resolution Default value None processing_chain : ProcessingChain, optional Processing chain. Default value None """ kwargs.update({ 'data': data, 'stats': stats, 'metadata': metadata, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'processing_chain': processing_chain }) # Run DataContainer init DataContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(DataArrayContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class DataMatrix2DContainer(DataContainer): """Two-dimensional data matrix container class, inherited from DataContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, stats=None, metadata=None, time_resolution=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path Default value None data : numpy.ndarray, optional Data to initialize the container Default value None stats : dict, optional Statistics of the data Default value None metadata : dict or MetadataContainer, optional MetadataContainer Default value None time_resolution : float, optional Time resolution Default value None processing_chain : ProcessingChain, optional Processing chain. Default value None """ if data is None: # Initialize with 2D-matrix data = numpy.ndarray((0, 0)) kwargs.update({ 'data': data, 'stats': stats, 'metadata': metadata, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'processing_chain': processing_chain }) # Run DataContainer init DataContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(DataMatrix2DContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Matrix axis self.data_axis = 0 self.time_axis = 1
def __getstate__(self): d = super(DataMatrix2DContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'data_axis': self.data_axis, 'time_axis': self.time_axis, }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(DataMatrix2DContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self.data_axis = d['data_axis'] self.time_axis = d['time_axis'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(DataMatrix2DContainer, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' return output @property def vector_length(self): """Data vector length Returns ------- int """ if isinstance(, numpy.ndarray): return[self.data_axis] else: return 0 @property def T(self): """Transposed data in a data container Returns ------- DataMatrix2DContainer """ transposed = copy.deepcopy(self) = # Flip axis transposed.time_axis = self.data_axis transposed.data_axis = self.time_axis return transposed
[docs] def get_focused(self): """Get focus segment from data matrix. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ if self.focus_start is not None and self.focus_stop is not None: # Focus is set if self.time_axis == 1: return[:, self.focus_start:self.focus_stop] else: return[self.focus_start:self.focus_stop, :] else: # Return all features return
[docs] def get_frames(self, frame_ids=None, vector_ids=None, frame_hop=1): """Get frames from data matrix. Parameters ---------- frame_ids : list of int, optional Frame ids of frames to be included. Default value None vector_ids : list of int, optional Data ids of frame's data vector to be included. Default value None frame_hop : int, optional Frame hopping factor, with one every frame is included. Default value 1 Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ data = if self.time_axis == 1: # Apply frame_ids if frame_ids is not None: data = data[:, frame_ids] # Apply vector_ids if vector_ids is not None: data = data[vector_ids, :] # Apply the frame hop if len(data.shape) > 1: return data[:, ::frame_hop] else: return data[::frame_hop] else: # Apply frame_ids if frame_ids is not None: data = data[frame_ids, :] # Apply vector_ids if vector_ids is not None: data = data[:, vector_ids] if len(data.shape) > 1: return data[::frame_hop, :] else: return data[::frame_hop]
def change_axis(self, time_axis=None, data_axis=None): """Set axis Parameters ---------- time_axis : int, optional New data axis for time. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None data_axis : int, optional New data axis for data. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None Returns ------- self """ # Get not None values axis_list = [time_axis, data_axis] axis_list = [x for x in axis_list if x is not None] # Get unique values axis_set = set(axis_list) if len(axis_list) != len(axis_set): message = '{name}: Give unique axis indexes [{axis_list}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, axis_list=axis_list ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if time_axis > 1: message = '{name}: Given time_axis too large [{time_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, time_axis=time_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if data_axis > 1: message = '{name}: Given data_axis too large [{data_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data_axis=data_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get axis map axis_map = OneToOneMappingContainer({ 'time_axis': self.time_axis, 'data_axis': self.data_axis }) if time_axis is not None and time_axis != self.time_axis: # Modify time axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.time_axis, axis2=time_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.time_axis axis_map[source_axis] = time_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.time_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), time_axis) if data_axis is not None and data_axis != self.data_axis: # Modify data axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.data_axis, axis2=data_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.data_axis axis_map[source_axis] = data_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.data_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), data_axis) return self
[docs] def plot(self, plot=True, show_color_bar=False, figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """Visualize data matrix. Parameters ---------- plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True show_color_bar : bool Show color bar next to plot. Default value False figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None xlabel : str Label for X axis Default value None ylabel : str Label for Y axis Default value None Returns ------- self """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) from librosa.display import specshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) data = self.get_focused() if self.time_axis == 0: # Make sure time is on x-axis data = data.T # Plot feature matrix if self.time_resolution: sr = int(1.0 / float(self.time_resolution)) x_axis = 'time' else: sr = 1.0 x_axis = None specshow( data, x_axis=x_axis, sr=sr, hop_length=1 ) if show_color_bar: # Add color bar plt.colorbar() # Add filename to first subplot if hasattr(self, 'filename') and self.filename: plt.title(self.filename) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) if plot: plt.tight_layout()
[docs]class DataMatrix3DContainer(DataMatrix2DContainer): """Three-dimensional data matrix container class, inherited from DataMatrix2DContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, stats=None, metadata=None, time_resolution=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path Default value None data : numpy.ndarray, optional Data to initialize the container Default value None stats : dict, optional Statistics of the data Default value None metadata : dict or MetadataContainer, optional MetadataContainer Default value None time_resolution : float, optional Time resolution Default value None processing_chain : ProcessingChain, optional Processing chain. Default value None """ if data is None: # Initialize with 3D-matrix data = numpy.ndarray((0, 0, 0)) kwargs.update({ 'data': data, 'stats': stats, 'metadata': metadata, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'processing_chain': processing_chain }) # Run DataMatrix2DContainer init DataMatrix2DContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(DataMatrix3DContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Matrix axis self.data_axis = 0 self.time_axis = 1 self.sequence_axis = 2
def __getstate__(self): d = super(DataMatrix3DContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'sequence_axis': self.sequence_axis }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(DataMatrix3DContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self.sequence_axis = d['sequence_axis'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(DataMatrix3DContainer, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='sequence_axis', value=self.sequence_axis) + '\n' return output def change_axis(self, time_axis=None, data_axis=None, sequence_axis=None): """Set axis Parameters ---------- time_axis : int, optional New data axis for time. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None data_axis : int, optional New data axis for data. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None sequence_axis : int, optional New data axis for data sequence. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None Returns ------- self """ # Get not None values axis_list = [time_axis, data_axis, sequence_axis] axis_list = [x for x in axis_list if x is not None] # Get unique values axis_set = set(axis_list) if len(axis_list) != len(axis_set): message = '{name}: Give unique axis indexes [{axis_list}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, axis_list=axis_list ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if time_axis > 2: message = '{name}: Given time_axis too large [{time_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, time_axis=time_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if data_axis > 2: message = '{name}: Given data_axis too large [{data_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data_axis=data_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if sequence_axis > 2: message = '{name}: Given sequence_axis too large [{sequence_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, sequence_axis=sequence_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get axis map axis_map = OneToOneMappingContainer({ 'time_axis': self.time_axis, 'data_axis': self.data_axis, 'sequence_axis': self.sequence_axis, }) if time_axis is not None and time_axis != self.time_axis: # Modify time axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.time_axis, axis2=time_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.time_axis axis_map[source_axis] = time_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.time_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), time_axis) if data_axis is not None and data_axis != self.data_axis: # Modify data axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.data_axis, axis2=data_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.data_axis axis_map[source_axis] = data_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.data_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), data_axis) if sequence_axis is not None and sequence_axis != self.sequence_axis: # Modify sequence axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.sequence_axis, axis2=sequence_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.sequence_axis axis_map[source_axis] = sequence_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.sequence_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), sequence_axis) return self def plot(self, show_color_bar=False, show_filename=True, plot=True, figsize=None): """Plot data Parameters ---------- show_color_bar : bool Show color bar next to plot. Default value False show_filename : bool Show filename as figure title Default value True plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,10) is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 10) data = self.get_focused() if data.shape[self.sequence_axis] < 20: from librosa.display import specshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for sequence_id in range(data.shape[self.sequence_axis]): ax = plt.subplot(data.shape[self.sequence_axis], 1, sequence_id + 1) current_data = data[:, :, sequence_id] if self.time_axis == 0: # Make sure time is on x-axis current_data = current_data.T # Plot data matrix if self.time_resolution: sr = int(1.0 / float(self.time_resolution)) x_axis = 'time' else: sr = 1.0 x_axis = None specshow( current_data, x_axis=x_axis, sr=sr, hop_length=1 ) plt.ylabel(str(sequence_id)) if show_color_bar: # Add color bar plt.colorbar() if sequence_id < data.shape[self.sequence_axis]-1: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Add filename to first subplot if show_filename and hasattr(self, 'filename') and self.filename: plt.title(self.filename) show_filename = False if plot: plt.tight_layout() else: # TODO find method to visualize deep matrices. message = '{name}: Matrix is too deep, plot-method not yet implemented.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise NotImplementedError(message)
class DataMatrix4DContainer(DataMatrix3DContainer): """Four-dimensional data matrix container class, inherited from DataMatrix3DContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats def __init__(self, data=None, stats=None, metadata=None, time_resolution=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path Default value None data : numpy.ndarray, optional Data to initialize the container Default value None stats : dict, optional Statistics of the data Default value None metadata : dict or MetadataContainer, optional MetadataContainer Default value None time_resolution : float, optional Time resolution Default value None processing_chain : ProcessingChain, optional Processing chain. Default value None """ if data is None: # Initialize with 4D-matrix data = numpy.ndarray((0, 0, 0, 0)) kwargs.update({ 'data': data, 'stats': stats, 'metadata': metadata, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'processing_chain': processing_chain }) # Run DataMatrix3DContainer init DataMatrix3DContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(DataMatrix4DContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Matrix axis self.data_axis = 0 self.time_axis = 1 self.sequence_axis = 2 self.channel_axis = 3 def __getstate__(self): d = super(DataMatrix4DContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'channel_axis': self.channel_axis }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(DataMatrix4DContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self.channel_axis = d['channel_axis'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(DataMatrix4DContainer, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='sequence_axis', value=self.sequence_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='channel_axis', value=self.channel_axis) + '\n' return output def change_axis(self, time_axis=None, data_axis=None, sequence_axis=None, channel_axis=None): """Set axis Parameters ---------- time_axis : int, optional New data axis for time. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None data_axis : int, optional New data axis for data. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None sequence_axis : int, optional New data axis for data sequence. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None channel_axis : int, optional New data axis for data channel. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None Returns ------- self """ # Get not None values axis_list = [time_axis, data_axis, sequence_axis, channel_axis] axis_list = [x for x in axis_list if x is not None] # Get unique values axis_set = set(axis_list) if len(axis_list) != len(axis_set): message = '{name}: Give unique axis indexes [{axis_list}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, axis_list=axis_list ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if time_axis > 3: message = '{name}: Given time_axis too large [{time_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, time_axis=time_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if data_axis > 3: message = '{name}: Given data_axis too large [{data_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data_axis=data_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if sequence_axis > 3: message = '{name}: Given sequence_axis too large [{sequence_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, sequence_axis=sequence_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if channel_axis > 3: message = '{name}: Given channel_axis too large [{channel_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, channel_axis=channel_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get axis map axis_map = OneToOneMappingContainer({ 'time_axis': self.time_axis, 'data_axis': self.data_axis, 'sequence_axis': self.sequence_axis, 'channel_axis': self.channel_axis, }) if time_axis is not None and time_axis != self.time_axis: # Modify time axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.time_axis, axis2=time_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.time_axis axis_map[source_axis] = time_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.time_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), time_axis) if data_axis is not None and data_axis != self.data_axis: # Modify data axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.data_axis, axis2=data_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.data_axis axis_map[source_axis] = data_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.data_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), data_axis) if sequence_axis is not None and sequence_axis != self.sequence_axis: # Modify sequence axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.sequence_axis, axis2=sequence_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.sequence_axis axis_map[source_axis] = sequence_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.sequence_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), sequence_axis) if channel_axis is not None and channel_axis != self.channel_axis: # Modify channel axis # Get axis names target_axis = source_axis = # Modify data = numpy.swapaxes(, axis1=self.channel_axis, axis2=channel_axis ) # Store new axes axis_map[target_axis] = self.channel_axis axis_map[source_axis] = channel_axis setattr(self, str(target_axis), self.channel_axis) setattr(self, str(source_axis), channel_axis) return self def plot(self, show_color_bar=False, show_filename=True, plot=True, figsize=None): """Plot data Parameters ---------- show_color_bar : bool Show color bar next to plot. Default value False show_filename : bool Show filename as figure title Default value True plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) data = self.get_focused() if data.shape[self.sequence_axis] <= 10: from librosa.display import specshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) rows_count = data.shape[self.channel_axis] for sequence_id in range(data.shape[self.sequence_axis]): for channel_id in range(data.shape[self.channel_axis]): if rows_count == 1: # Special case when only one stream, transpose presentation index = 1 + sequence_id plt.subplot( data.shape[self.sequence_axis], rows_count, index ) else: index = 1 + (sequence_id + channel_id * data.shape[self.sequence_axis]) plt.subplot( rows_count, data.shape[self.sequence_axis], index ) if self.sequence_axis == 0 and self.channel_axis == 1: current_data = data[sequence_id, channel_id, :, :] elif self.sequence_axis == 0 and self.channel_axis == 2: current_data = data[sequence_id, :, channel_id, :] elif self.sequence_axis == 0 and self.channel_axis == 3: current_data = data[sequence_id, :, :, channel_id] elif self.sequence_axis == 1 and self.channel_axis == 3: current_data = data[:, sequence_id, :, channel_id] elif self.sequence_axis == 2 and self.channel_axis == 3: current_data = data[:, :, sequence_id, channel_id] else: message = '{name}: Unknown data axes'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Plot feature matrix ax = specshow( data=current_data, x_axis='time', sr=1, hop_length=1 ) if rows_count == 1: if channel_id != data.shape[self.channel_axis] - 1: ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False ) plt.xlabel('') else: if channel_id+1 != data.shape[self.channel_axis]: ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False ) plt.xlabel('') plt.ylabel('seq['+str(sequence_id)+'] chan['+str(channel_id)+']') # Add filename to first subplot if show_filename and hasattr(self, 'filename') and self.filename: plt.title(self.filename) if plot: plt.tight_layout() else: # TODO find method to visualize deep matrices. message = '{name}: Matrix is too deep, plot-method not yet implemented.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs]class BinaryMatrix2DContainer(DataMatrix2DContainer): """Two-dimensional data matrix container class, inherited from DataContainer.""" valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, time_resolution=None, label_list=None, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional data : list, optional stats : dict, optional metadata : dict, optional time_resolution : float processing_chain : ProcessingChain """ kwargs.update({ 'data': data, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'label_list': label_list, 'processing_chain': processing_chain }) # Run DataMatrix2DContainer init DataMatrix2DContainer.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init super(BinaryMatrix2DContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label_list = label_list
def __getstate__(self): d = super(BinaryMatrix2DContainer, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'label_list': self.label_list }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(BinaryMatrix2DContainer, self).__setstate__(d) self.label_list = d['label_list'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(BinaryMatrix2DContainer, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Labels', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 2, field='label_list', value=self.label_list) + '\n' return output
[docs] def pad(self, length, binary_matrix=None): """Pad binary matrix along time axis Parameters ---------- length : int Length to be padded binary_matrix : np.ndarray, shape=(time steps, amount of classes) Binary matrix Returns ------- np.ndarray [shape=(number of classes,t)] Padded binary matrix """ if binary_matrix is None: binary_matrix = if length > binary_matrix.shape[self.time_axis]: if self.time_axis == 0: padding = numpy.zeros((length - binary_matrix.shape[0], binary_matrix.shape[1])) = numpy.vstack((binary_matrix, padding)) else: padding = numpy.zeros((binary_matrix.shape[0], length - binary_matrix.shape[1])) = numpy.hstack((binary_matrix, padding)) elif length < binary_matrix.shape[self.time_axis]: if self.time_axis == 0: = binary_matrix[0:length, :] else: = binary_matrix[:, 0:length] return self
[docs] def plot(self, plot=True, binary_matrix=None, data_container=None, figsize=None, panel_title=None, binary_panel_title='Binary matrix', data_panel_title='Data', panel_title_position='right', color='binary'): """Visualize binary matrix, and optionally synced data matrix. For example, this can be used to visualize sound event activity along with the acoustic features. Parameters ---------- plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True binary_matrix : numpy.ndarray Binary matrix, if None given internal data used. Default value None data_container : DataContainer Extra data matrix to be shown along with binary matrix. Default value None figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,5) is used. Default value None panel_title : str Panel title (ylabel for first subplot) Default value None binary_panel_title : str Binary panel title (ylabel for first subplot) Default value "Binary matrix" data_panel_title : str Data panel title (ylabel for second subplot) Default value "Data" panel_title_position : str Panel title position ['left', 'right'] Default value "right" color : str Color scheme used ['binary', 'gray', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red'] Default value 'binary' Returns ------- None """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from librosa.display import specshow if binary_matrix is None: binary_matrix = if self.time_axis == 0: binary_matrix = binary_matrix.T if color: if color == 'binary': cmap = elif color == 'gray': cmap = elif color == 'purple': cmap = elif color == 'blue': cmap = elif color == 'green': cmap = elif color == 'orange': cmap = elif color == 'red': cmap = else: cmap = else: cmap = if binary_matrix is not None and data_container is not None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(top=1.0, bottom=0.0, right=1.0, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.00) # Features ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) img = specshow( binary_matrix, x_axis='time', sr=int(1 / float(self.time_resolution)), hop_length=1, cmap=cmap ) y_ticks = numpy.arange(0, len(self.label_list)) + 0.5 ax1.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax1.set_yticklabels(self.label_list, fontsize=20) ax1.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax1.yaxis.set_label_position(panel_title_position) plt.ylabel(binary_panel_title, fontsize=20) # Binary matrix ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) img = specshow(, x_axis='time', sr=int(1 / float(data_container.hop_length_seconds)), hop_length=1 ) ax2.yaxis.set_label_position(panel_title_position) plt.ylabel(data_panel_title, fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=20) elif binary_matrix is not None and data_container is None: if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() # Binary matrix if self.time_resolution: sr = int(1.0 / float(self.time_resolution)) x_axis = 'time' else: sr = 1.0 x_axis = None img = specshow( binary_matrix, x_axis=x_axis, sr=sr, hop_length=1, cmap=cmap ) if plot: if panel_title: ax.yaxis.set_label_position(panel_title_position) plt.ylabel(panel_title, fontsize=20) if self.time_resolution: plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=20) if self.label_list: ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") y_ticks = numpy.arange(0, len(self.label_list)) + 0.5 ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(self.label_list, fontsize=20) if plot:
[docs]class DataRepository(RepositoryContainer): """Data repository container class to store multiple DataContainers together. Containers are stored in a dict, label is used as dictionary key and value is associated data container. """ valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE] #: Valid file formats
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, filename=None, default_stream_id=0, processing_chain=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- filename: str or dict Either one filename (str) or multiple filenames in a dictionary. Dictionary based parameter is used to construct the repository from separate FeatureContainers, two formats for the dictionary is supported: 1) label as key, and filename as value, and 2) two-level dictionary label as key1, stream as key2 and filename as value. default_stream_id : str or int Default stream id used when accessing data Default value 0 processing_chain : ProcessingChain Processing chain to be included into repository Default value None """ kwargs['filename'] = filename super(DataRepository, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.default_stream_id = default_stream_id from dcase_util.processors import ProcessingChain if processing_chain is None: processing_chain = ProcessingChain() self.processing_chain = processing_chain self.item_class = DataMatrix2DContainer if data is not None and isinstance(data, dict): dict.update(self, data)
def __getstate__(self): d = super(DataRepository, self).__getstate__() d.update({ 'default_stream_id': self.default_stream_id, 'processing_chain': self.processing_chain, 'item_class': self.item_class }) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(DataRepository, self).__setstate__(d) self.default_stream_id = d['default_stream_id'] self.processing_chain = d['processing_chain'] self.item_class = d['item_class'] # Remove internal variables from dict del d['default_stream_id'] del d['processing_chain'] del d['item_class'] def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indent Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = '' output += ui.class_name(self.__class__.__name__, indent=indent) + '\n' if hasattr(self, 'filename') and self.filename: output += field='filename', value=self.filename, indent=indent ) + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Repository info', indent=indent) + '\n' if hasattr(self, 'item_class') and self.item_class: output += indent=indent + 2, field='Item class', value=self.item_class.__name__ ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 2, field='Item count', value=len(self) ) + '\n' output += indent=indent + 2, field='Labels', value=list(self.keys()) ) + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Content', indent=indent) + '\n' for label, label_data in iteritems(self): if label_data: if isinstance(label_data, dict): for stream_id, stream_data in iteritems(label_data): if hasattr(stream_data, 'to_string'): output += indent=indent + 2, field='['+str(label)+']' + '[' + str(stream_id) + ']', value=stream_data.to_string(ui=ui) ) + '\n' else: output += indent=indent + 2, field='[' + str(label) + ']' + '[' + str(stream_id) + ']', value=stream_data ) + '\n' output += '\n' return output @property def labels(self): """Item labels stores in the repository. Returns ------- list of str """ return sorted(list(self.keys())) def stream_ids(self, label): """Stream ids stores for the label in the repository. Parameters ---------- label : str Item label Returns ------- list of str """ if label in self: return sorted(list(self[label].keys())) else: return None
[docs] def load(self, filename=None, collect_from_containers=True): """Load file list Parameters ---------- filename : str or dict Either one filename (str) or multiple filenames in a dictionary. Dictionary based parameter is used to construct the repository from separate FeatureContainers, two formats for the dictionary is supported: 1) label as key, and filename as value, and 2) two-level dictionary label as key1, stream as key2 and filename as value. If None given, parameter given to class initializer is used instead. Default value None collect_from_containers : bool Collect data to the repository from separate containers. Default value True Returns ------- self """ if filename: self.filename = filename if isinstance(self.filename, basestring): # String filename given use load method from parent class if os.path.exists(self.filename): # If file exist load it self.detect_file_format() self.validate_format() super(DataRepository, self).load(filename=self.filename) if collect_from_containers: # Collect data to the repository from separate containers filename_base, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.filename) containers = glob.glob(filename_base + '.*-*' + file_extension) for filename in containers: label, stream_id = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split('.')[-1].split('-') if label not in self: self[label] = {} self[label][int(stream_id)] = self.item_class().load(filename=filename) elif isinstance(self.filename, dict): sorted(self.filename) # Dictionary based filename given if filelist_exists(self.filename): dict.clear(self) for label, data in iteritems(self.filename): self[label] = {} if not label.startswith('_'): # Skip labels starting with '_', those are just for extra info if isinstance(data, basestring): # filename given directly, only one feature stream per method inputted. self[label][self.default_stream_id] = self.item_class().load(filename=data) elif isinstance(data, dict): for stream, filename in iteritems(data): self[label][stream] = self.item_class().load(filename=filename) else: # All filenames did not exists, find which ones is missing and raise error. for label, data in iteritems(self.filename): if isinstance(data, basestring) and not os.path.isfile(data): message = '{name}: Repository cannot be loaded, file does not exists for method [{method}], file [{filename}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, method=label, filename=data ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) elif isinstance(data, dict): for stream, filename in iteritems(data): if not os.path.isfile(filename): message = '{name}: Repository cannot be loaded, file does not exists for method [{method}], stream [{stream}], file [{filename}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, method=label, stream=stream, filename=filename ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) else: message = '{name}: Repository cannot be loaded, no valid filename set.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise IOError(message) return self
def save(self, filename=None, split_into_containers=False): """Save file Parameters ---------- filename : str or dict File path Default value filename given to class constructor split_into_containers : bool Split data from repository separate containers and save them individually. Default value False Raises ------ ImportError: Error if file format specific module cannot be imported IOError: File has unknown file format Returns ------- self """ if filename: self.filename = filename if split_into_containers and isinstance(self.filename, basestring): # Automatic filename generation for saving data into separate containers filename_base, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.filename) filename_dictionary = {} for label in self.labels: if label not in filename_dictionary: filename_dictionary[label] = {} for stream_id in self.stream_ids(label=label): if stream_id not in filename_dictionary[label]: filename_dictionary[label][stream_id] = filename_base + '.' + label + '-' + str(stream_id) + file_extension self.filename = filename_dictionary if isinstance(self.filename, basestring): # Single output file as target self.detect_file_format() self.validate_format() # String filename given use load method from parent class super(DataRepository, self).save(filename=self.filename) elif isinstance(self.filename, dict): # Custom naming and splitting into separate containers sorted(self.filename) # Dictionary of filenames given, save each data container in the repository separately for label in self.labels: if label in self.filename: for stream_id in self.stream_ids(label=label): if stream_id in self.filename[label]: current_container = self.get_container(label=label, stream_id=stream_id)[label][stream_id]) return self
[docs] def get_container(self, label, stream_id=None): """Get container from repository Parameters ---------- label : str Label stream_id : str or int Stream id, if None, default_stream is used. Default value None Returns ------- DataContainer """ if stream_id is None: stream_id = self.default_stream_id return self.get(label).get(stream_id)
[docs] def set_container(self, container, label, stream_id=None): """Store container to repository Parameters ---------- container : DataContainer or dict or list Data container label : str Label assigned to the container stream_id : str or int Stream id, if None, default_stream is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if stream_id is None: stream_id = self.default_stream_id if label not in self: self[label] = {} self[label][stream_id] = container return self
[docs] def push_processing_chain_item(self, processor_name, init_parameters=None, process_parameters=None, preprocessing_callbacks=None, input_type=None, output_type=None): """Push processing chain item Parameters ---------- processor_name : str Processor name init_parameters : dict, optional Initialization parameters for the processors Default value None process_parameters : dict, optional Parameters for the process method of the Processor Default value None preprocessing_callbacks : list of dicts Callbacks used for preprocessing Default value None input_type : ProcessingChainItemType Input data type Default value None output_type : ProcessingChainItemType Output data type Default value None Returns ------- self """ self.processing_chain.push_processor( processor_name=processor_name, init_parameters=init_parameters, process_parameters=process_parameters, preprocessing_callbacks=preprocessing_callbacks, input_type=input_type, output_type=output_type ) return self
[docs] def plot(self, plot=True, figsize=None): """Visualize data stored in the repository. plot : bool If true, figure is shown automatically. Set to False if collecting multiple plots into same figure outside this method. Default value True figsize : tuple Size of the figure. If None given, default size (10,10) is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 10) from librosa.display import specshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt rows_count = 0 for label_id, label in enumerate(self.labels): if rows_count < len(self.stream_ids(label)): rows_count = len(self.stream_ids(label)) labels = list(self.keys()) labels.sort() if plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for label_id, label in enumerate(self.labels): for stream_id in self.stream_ids(label): if rows_count == 1: # Special case when only one stream, transpose presentation index = 1 + label_id plt.subplot( len(self.labels), rows_count, index ) else: index = 1 + (label_id + stream_id * len(self.labels)) plt.subplot( rows_count, len(self.labels), index ) current_container = self.get_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id ) # Plot feature matrix ax = specshow(, x_axis='time', sr=int(1 / float(current_container.time_resolution)), hop_length=1 ) if rows_count == 1: if label_id != len(self.labels) - 1: ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off' ) plt.xlabel('') else: if stream_id+1 != len(self.stream_ids(label)): ax.tick_params( axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off' ) plt.xlabel('') plt.ylabel('['+str(label)+']['+str(stream_id)+']') if plot: return self