Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import numpy
import copy
import scipy

from dcase_util.containers import ObjectContainer

[docs]class DecisionEncoder(ObjectContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None """ super(DecisionEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label_list = label_list
[docs] def majority_vote(self, frame_decisions, time_axis=1): """Majority vote. Parameters ---------- frame_decisions : numpy.ndarray [shape=(d,t) or (t,d)] Frame decisions time_axis : int Axis index for time in the matrix Default value 1 Returns ------- str Class label """ # Get data_axis if time_axis == 0: class_axis = 1 else: class_axis = 0 if numpy.issubdtype(frame_decisions.dtype, numpy.signedinteger) or numpy.issubdtype(frame_decisions.dtype, numpy.bool_): if len(frame_decisions.shape) == 1: # We have array, most likely single frame return self.label_list[numpy.argmax(frame_decisions)] else: if isinstance(frame_decisions, numpy.ndarray) and len(frame_decisions.shape) == 2: # We have matrix frame_decisions = numpy.argmax(frame_decisions, axis=class_axis) counts = numpy.bincount(frame_decisions) return self.label_list[numpy.argmax(counts)] else: # We have matrix with strings if len(frame_decisions.shape) == 1: labels, counts = numpy.unique(frame_decisions, return_counts=True) majority_voted_label = labels[numpy.argmax(counts)] if majority_voted_label in self.label_list: return majority_voted_label else: message = '{name}: Label [{label}] not in label_list parameter given to class initializer.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, label=majority_voted_label ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) else: message = '{name}: Majority voting not implemented for label matrix.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def many_hot(self, frame_decisions, label_list=None, time_axis=1): """Many hot Parameters ---------- frame_decisions : numpy.ndarray [shape=(d,t) or (t,d)] Frame decisions label_list : list or str Label list, if None given one for class initializer is used. Default value None time_axis : int Axis index for frames in the matrix Default value 1 Raises ------ ValueError No label list given as method parameter or class initializer parameter Returns ------- list """ if label_list is None: label_list = self.label_list if label_list is None: message = '{name}: No label_list parameter given to method or class initializer.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get data_axis if time_axis == 0: class_axis = 1 else: class_axis = 0 encoded = [] for frame_id in range(0, frame_decisions.shape[time_axis]): # Get decisions for current frame if class_axis == 0: current_frame = frame_decisions[:, frame_id].T elif class_axis == 1: current_frame = frame_decisions[frame_id, :] # Encode current frame decisions current_frame_encoded = [] for label_id in numpy.where(current_frame == 1)[0]: current_frame_encoded.append(label_list[label_id]) # Store encoded.append(current_frame_encoded) return encoded
[docs] def find_contiguous_regions(self, activity_array): """Find contiguous regions from bool valued numpy.array. Transforms boolean values for each frame into pairs of onsets and offsets. Parameters ---------- activity_array : numpy.array [shape=(t)] Event activity array, bool values Returns ------- numpy.ndarray [shape=(2, number of found changes)] Onset and offset indices pairs in matrix """ # Find the changes in the activity_array change_indices = numpy.logical_xor(activity_array[1:], activity_array[:-1]).nonzero()[0] # Shift change_index with one, focus on frame after the change. change_indices += 1 if activity_array[0]: # If the first element of activity_array is True add 0 at the beginning change_indices = numpy.r_[0, change_indices] if activity_array[-1]: # If the last element of activity_array is True, add the length of the array change_indices = numpy.r_[change_indices, activity_array.size] # Reshape the result into two columns return change_indices.reshape((-1, 2))
[docs] def process_activity(self, activity_matrix, window_length, operator="median_filtering", time_axis=1): """Process activity array (binary) Parameters ---------- activity_matrix : numpy.ndarray Activity matrix window_length : int Window length in analysis frame amount operator : str Operator to be used ['median_filtering'] Default value 'median_filtering' time_axis : int Time axis Default value 1 Raises ------ AssertionError Unknown operator. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Processed activity """ if operator not in ['median_filtering']: message = '{name}: Unknown operator [{operator}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, operator=operator ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if time_axis > 1: message = '{name}: Unknown time_axis [{time_axis}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, time_axis=time_axis ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) # Get class axis if time_axis == 0: class_axis = 1 else: class_axis = 0 # Get a copy of the activity_matrix to prevent data contamination activity_matrix = copy.deepcopy(activity_matrix) if operator == 'median_filtering': for class_id in range(0, activity_matrix.shape[class_axis]): # Loop along classes axis, and apply filtering if time_axis == 0: activity_matrix[:, class_id] = scipy.signal.medfilt( volume=activity_matrix[:, class_id], kernel_size=window_length ) elif time_axis == 1: activity_matrix[class_id, :] = scipy.signal.medfilt( volume=activity_matrix[class_id, :], kernel_size=window_length ) return activity_matrix