Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import numpy

from dcase_util.containers import BinaryMatrix2DContainer, DataMatrix2DContainer
from dcase_util.ui import FancyStringifier

[docs]class BinaryMatrixEncoder(BinaryMatrix2DContainer): """Binary matrix encoder base class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None time_resolution : float Time resolution Default value None """ kwargs.update({ 'label_list': label_list, 'time_resolution': time_resolution }) super(BinaryMatrixEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not self.time_resolution: message = '{name}: No time resolution set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.encode(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OneHotEncoder(BinaryMatrixEncoder): """One hot encoder class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=1.0, length_frames=1, length_seconds=None, allow_unknown_labels=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None time_resolution : float Time resolution Default value 1.0 length_frames : int length of binary matrix in frames Default value 1 length_seconds : float length of binary matrix in seconds Default value None allow_unknown_labels : bool Allow unknown labels in the decoding. If False, labels not in the given label_list will produce an error. Default value False """ kwargs.update({ 'label_list': label_list, 'time_resolution': time_resolution }) super(OneHotEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.length_frames = length_frames self.allow_unknown_labels = allow_unknown_labels if self.length_frames is None and length_seconds is not None: self.length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) if not self.label_list: message = '{name}: No label_list set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indention used Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(OneHotEncoder, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 2, field='data', + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Timing information') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_resolution', value=self.time_resolution, unit="sec") + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 4, field='Frames', value=self.length) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += + 4, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self.length), unit='sec') + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Labels') + '\n' output += + 4, field='label_list', value=self.label_list) + '\n' return output
[docs] def encode(self, label, length_frames=None, length_seconds=None): """Generate one hot binary matrix Parameters ---------- label : str Class label to be hot length_frames : int length of binary matrix in frames, use either this or length_seconds, if none set, one set in constructor is used. Default value None length_seconds : float length of binary matrix in seconds, use either this or length_frames, if none set, one set in constructor is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if length_frames is None and length_seconds is None: length_frames = self.length_frames elif length_seconds is not None: length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) # Initialize binary matrix binary_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.label_list), length_frames)) # Find correct row if label in self.label_list: pos = self.label_list.index(label) # Mark row to be hot binary_matrix[pos, :] = 1 elif not self.allow_unknown_labels: # Unknown label given message = '{name}: Unknown label [{label}]'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) = binary_matrix return self
[docs]class ManyHotEncoder(BinaryMatrixEncoder): """Many hot encoder class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=None, length_frames=None, length_seconds=None, allow_unknown_labels=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None time_resolution : float Time resolution Default value None length_frames : int length of binary matrix Default value None length_seconds : float length of binary matrix in seconds Default value None allow_unknown_labels : bool Allow unknown labels in the decoding. If False, labels not in the given label_list will produce an error. Default value False """ kwargs.update({ 'label_list': label_list, 'time_resolution': time_resolution }) super(ManyHotEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.length_frames = length_frames self.allow_unknown_labels = allow_unknown_labels if self.length_frames is None and length_seconds is not None: self.length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) if not self.label_list: message = '{name}: No label_list set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indention used Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(ManyHotEncoder, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 2, field='data', + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Timing information') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_resolution', value=self.time_resolution, unit="sec") + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 4, field='Frames', value=self.length) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += + 4, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self.length), unit='sec') + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Labels') + '\n' output += + 4, field='label_list', value=self.label_list) + '\n' return output
[docs] def encode(self, label_list, length_frames=None, length_seconds=None): """Generate one hot binary matrix Parameters ---------- label_list : list of str Class labels to be hot length_frames : int length of binary matrix Default value None length_seconds : float length of binary matrix in seconds Default value None Returns ------- self """ if length_frames is None and length_seconds is None: length_frames = self.length_frames elif length_seconds is not None: length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) # Initialize binary matrix binary_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.label_list), length_frames)) for label in label_list: if label in self.label_list: # Find correct row pos = self.label_list.index(label) # Mark row to be hot binary_matrix[pos, :] = 1 elif not self.allow_unknown_labels: # Unknown label given message = '{name}: Unknown label [{label}]'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) = binary_matrix return self
[docs]class EventRollEncoder(BinaryMatrixEncoder): """Event list encoder class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=None, label='event_label', **kwargs): """Event roll Event roll is binary matrix indicating event activity withing time segment defined by time_resolution. Parameters ---------- label_list : list List of labels in correct order Default value None time_resolution : float > 0.0 Time resolution used when converting event into event roll. Default value None label : str Meta data field used to create event roll Default value 'event_label' """ kwargs.update({ 'label_list': label_list, 'time_resolution': time_resolution, 'label': label }) super(EventRollEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label = label if not self.label_list: message = '{name}: No label_list set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indention used Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(EventRollEncoder, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 2, field='data', + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Timing information') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_resolution', value=self.time_resolution, unit="sec") + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 4, field='Frames', value=self.length) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += + 4, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self.length), unit='sec') + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Labels') + '\n' output += + 4, field='Label list', value=self.label_list) + '\n' output += + 4, field='label_field', value=self.label) + '\n' return output
[docs] def encode(self, metadata_container, label=None, length_frames=None, length_seconds=None): """Generate event roll from MetaDataContainer Parameters ---------- metadata_container : MetaDataContainer Meta data label : str Meta data field used to create event roll Default value None length_frames : int length of event roll Default value None length_seconds : int, optional length of event roll in seconds, if none given max offset of the meta data is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if label is None: label = self.label if length_frames is None: if length_seconds is None: max_offset_seconds = metadata_container.max_offset else: max_offset_seconds = length_seconds max_offset_frames = self._length_to_frames(max_offset_seconds) else: max_offset_frames = length_frames # Initialize event roll event_roll = numpy.zeros((len(self.label_list), max_offset_frames)) # Fill-in event_roll for item in metadata_container: if item.onset is not None and item.offset is not None: if item[label]: pos = self.label_list.index(item[label]) onset = self._onset_to_frames(item.onset) offset = self._offset_to_frames(item.offset) if offset > event_roll.shape[self.time_axis]: # we have event which continues beyond max_offset_value offset = event_roll.shape[self.time_axis] if onset <= event_roll.shape[self.time_axis]: # We have event inside the event roll event_roll[pos, onset:offset] = 1 = event_roll return self
[docs]class LabelMatrixEncoder(DataMatrix2DContainer): """Label matrix encoder base class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None time_resolution : float Time resolution Default value None """ kwargs.update({ 'time_resolution': time_resolution }) self.label_list = label_list super(LabelMatrixEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not self.time_resolution: message = '{name}: No time resolution set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.encode(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OneHotLabelEncoder(LabelMatrixEncoder): """One Hot label encoder class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label_list=None, time_resolution=1.0, length_frames=1, length_seconds=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label_list : list or str Label list Default value None time_resolution : float Time resolution Default value 1.0 length_frames : int length of binary matrix in frames Default value 1 length_seconds : float length of binary matrix in seconds Default value None """ kwargs.update({ 'label_list': label_list, 'time_resolution': time_resolution }) super(OneHotLabelEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.length_frames = length_frames if self.length_frames is None and length_seconds is not None: self.length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) if not self.label_list: message = '{name}: No label_list set.'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
def to_string(self, ui=None, indent=0): """Get container information in a string Parameters ---------- ui : FancyStringifier or FancyHTMLStringifier Stringifier class Default value FancyStringifier indent : int Amount of indention used Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if ui is None: ui = FancyStringifier() output = super(OneHotLabelEncoder, self).to_string(ui=ui, indent=indent) output += ui.line(field='Data', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 2, field='data', + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Dimensions') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_axis', value=self.time_axis) + '\n' output += + 4, field='data_axis', value=self.data_axis) + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Timing information') + '\n' output += + 4, field='time_resolution', value=self.time_resolution, unit="sec") + '\n' output += ui.line(field='Duration', indent=indent) + '\n' output += + 4, field='Frames', value=self.length) + '\n' if self.time_resolution: output += + 4, field='Seconds', value=self._frame_to_time(frame_id=self.length), unit='sec') + '\n' output += ui.line(indent=indent + 2, field='Labels') + '\n' output += + 4, field='label_list', value=self.label_list) + '\n' return output
[docs] def encode(self, label, length_frames=None, length_seconds=None): """Generate one hot label matrix Parameters ---------- label : str Class label to be hot length_frames : int length of label matrix in frames, use either this or length_seconds, if none set, one set in constructor is used. Default value None length_seconds : float length of label matrix in seconds, use either this or length_frames, if none set, one set in constructor is used. Default value None Returns ------- self """ if length_frames is None and length_seconds is None: length_frames = self.length_frames elif length_seconds is not None: length_frames = self._length_to_frames(length_seconds) # Initialize binary matrix label_matrix = numpy.ndarray((1, length_frames), dtype=object) if label in self.label_list: label_matrix[0, :] = label else: # Unknown channel label given message = '{name}: Unknown label [{label}]'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) = label_matrix return self