Source code for dcase_util.datasets.dcase2018

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

from dcase_util.datasets import AcousticSceneDataset

# =====================================================
# DCASE 2018
# =====================================================
[docs]class DCASE2018_Task5_DevelopmentSet(AcousticSceneDataset): """Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics, development set This dataset is a derivative of the SINS database: Dekkers G., Lauwereins S., Thoen B., Adhana M., Brouckxon H., Van den Bergh B., van Waterschoot T., Vanrumste B., Verhelst M., Karsmakers P. (2017). The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an Acoustic Sensor Network. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 (accepted). DCASE Workshop. München, Germany, 16-17 November 2017. A subset is used for "DCASE2018 - Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics" """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_name='DCASE18-Task5-development', data_path=None, included_content_types=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- storage_name : str Name to be used when storing dataset on disk data_path : str Root path where the dataset is stored. If None, os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'dcase_util_datasets') is used. included_content_types : list of str or str Indicates what content type should be processed. One or multiple from ['all', 'audio', 'meta', 'code', 'documentation']. If None given, ['all'] is used. Parameter can be also comma separated string. """ kwargs['included_content_types'] = included_content_types kwargs['data_path'] = data_path kwargs['storage_name'] = storage_name kwargs['dataset_group'] = 'scene' kwargs['dataset_meta'] = { 'authors': 'Gert Dekkers and Peter Karsmakers', 'title': 'Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics, development set', 'url': None, 'audio_source': 'Daily living activities in a domestic environment', 'audio_type': 'Natural', 'audio_recording_device_model': 'Silicon Labs (EFM32WG980) microcontroller', 'microphone_model': 'Sonion N8AC03 MEMS microphone', 'licence': 'free non-commercial' } kwargs['crossvalidation_folds'] = 4 source_url = '' kwargs['package_list'] = [ { 'content_type': 'documentation', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 62900, 'remote_md5': '4517a2560820af5da20e65e4a15a2d90', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'meta', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 984000, 'remote_md5': '8fd269986c168db5562e7509e6dc033a', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'ae81259fa58b4ed11babd52386cb035a', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '88f2fa5306f76d6b4c4c82ce63798dc4', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '6fe16ce76abf801aa64662b06eecdacf', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '29892d9d444db700283058ea032ed18e', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '05aad2d1c80bf4b73d8c23ade155e9df', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'aa9bad6f4b877e5c4c74aa26f9e31c32', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'b87d1fb20da8ce1f45d50c56bf35c560', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'd214fe45d50a18a18ebe7051956b872b', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '668631009d2b3bcf872bdd3d780446c6', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '195c2d2a810c5c4bf6523541a8536a58', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '1c92328c0fad3f9eb4a114bac89e8b19', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'b651887afa7558bcbd79267fc40ea6c6', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'f05a08f5c85633210be81c5ad5da3ef0', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '5c97b4ed12c167bf27bf3320fc3e665d', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '78370c4047caedfbc002b9d010ae4172', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '635747f2a89eb4fee971c53585bbac93', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'a166c76ef8af1eef1e2c1b193de127a6', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'ed326b2f5e8bb65553cea738a1a42250', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '429874b969a345e176136f2da6c6ec13', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'b5779fdfb14194c3823f981f573f4784', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '684874d4882945145642be946dc10f39', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '6d1767a8ef6e3c5978f86a5b372641b6', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 1800000000, 'remote_md5': '4b727a3aca0b6b1456df46dd6196ae97', 'filename': '' } ] kwargs['audio_paths'] = [ 'audio' ] super(DCASE2018_Task5_DevelopmentSet, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class DCASE2018_Task5_EvaluationSet(AcousticSceneDataset): """Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics, evaluation set This dataset is a derivative of the SINS database: Dekkers G., Lauwereins S., Thoen B., Adhana M., Brouckxon H., Van den Bergh B., van Waterschoot T., Vanrumste B., Verhelst M., Karsmakers P. (2017). The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an Acoustic Sensor Network. Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 (accepted). DCASE Workshop. München, Germany, 16-17 November 2017. A subset is used for "DCASE2018 - Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics" """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage_name='DCASE18-Task5-evaluation', data_path=None, included_content_types=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- storage_name : str Name to be used when storing dataset on disk data_path : str Root path where the dataset is stored. If None, os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'dcase_util_datasets') is used. included_content_types : list of str or str Indicates what content type should be processed. One or multiple from ['all', 'audio', 'meta', 'code', 'documentation']. If None given, ['all'] is used. Parameter can be also comma separated string. """ kwargs['included_content_types'] = included_content_types kwargs['data_path'] = data_path kwargs['storage_name'] = storage_name kwargs['reference_data_present'] = True kwargs['dataset_group'] = 'scene' kwargs['dataset_meta'] = { 'authors': 'Gert Dekkers and Peter Karsmakers', 'title': 'Task 5, Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics, evaluation set', 'url': None, 'audio_source': 'Daily living activities in a domestic environment', 'audio_type': 'Natural', 'audio_recording_device_model': 'Silicon Labs (EFM32WG980) microcontroller', 'microphone_model': 'Sonion N8AC03 MEMS microphone', 'licence': 'free non-commercial' } kwargs['crossvalidation_folds'] = None source_url = '' kwargs['package_list'] = [ { 'content_type': 'documentation', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 61735, 'remote_md5': '46bb9533c4ac74f65a959fa4c963d25f', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'meta', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 1137185, 'remote_md5': '5256ade2443e80dc11ae8e816edaf664', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '0df319839c6ca49e1183a6bdda878105', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'c4128c29b2ec7ca3a0a640160cea45e9', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '367add49b9dad7e4823d12ff17f248ac', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'aa2a74ff766bba3c45775e73f686bf9c', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '845637aa439da622ef5529b1f081c235', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '23dc7375c17f504f602bd293891a0812', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '391845ae00c20f94d8c2e03d5016cff5', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '98c9421e99c241e1d96baaffaa7f9848', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'ffc5be57c89ca1a8480b2124ab650126', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '0c619203edc5054c397a53680c401206', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '5e30ccf28f3b314eceb852926530d183', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'b12c244e646f70b9318feaba1b62bf18', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '7f04c5471e102a261671122173bb3faa', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '4e1d4800d106e1167d5a746f8581fbee', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '810e1bf859931063c4dce8eb3d80de18', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '2d858a337a090bf64b69ed6c8a1ffa41', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'e0541f41cf615951c94fba9aef302eac', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '418348dd851a320bc003f7c11ca7d17f', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'b9ef08ba8a09f4ca056d3a3545a1a00b', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': '6c75d2bdb778fc54f1a902300a56e969', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'ccc5de1cac56a1f3835772aa5fd7613d', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 2000000000, 'remote_md5': 'ece9169ada4f46cf4e7969dc6cdcc52c', 'filename': '' }, { 'content_type': 'audio', 'remote_file': source_url + '', 'remote_bytes': 1331540000, 'remote_md5': '9fda3aa8df12b57a57b0142fd5642a44', 'filename': '' } ] kwargs['audio_paths'] = [ 'audio' ] super(DCASE2018_Task5_EvaluationSet, self).__init__(**kwargs)