Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from six import iteritems
import numpy

from dcase_util.containers import RepositoryContainer
from dcase_util.processors import Processor, ProcessingChainItemType, ProcessingChain
from import Normalizer, RepositoryNormalizer, Aggregator, Sequencer, Stacker, Masker

[docs]class AggregationProcessor(Processor): """Data aggregation processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, win_length_frames=10, hop_length_frames=1, recipe=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- recipe : list of dict or list of str Aggregation recipe, supported methods [mean, std, cov, kurtosis, skew, flatten]. win_length_frames : int Window length in feature frames hop_length_frames : int Hop length in feature frames """ if recipe is None and kwargs.get('aggregation_recipe', None) is not None: recipe = kwargs.get('aggregation_recipe', None) # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs kwargs.update( { 'win_length_frames': win_length_frames, 'hop_length_frames': hop_length_frames, 'recipe': recipe } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(AggregationProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.aggregator = Aggregator(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer Data to be aggregated store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import ContainerMixin if isinstance(data, ContainerMixin): # Do processing container = self.aggregator.aggregate( data=data, **kwargs ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryAggregationProcessor(Processor): """Data aggregation processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, win_length_frames=10, hop_length_frames=1, recipe=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- recipe : list of dict or list of str Aggregation recipe, supported methods [mean, std, cov, kurtosis, skew, flatten]. win_length_frames : int Window length in feature frames hop_length_frames : int Hop length in feature frames """ if recipe is None and kwargs.get('aggregation_recipe', None) is not None: recipe = kwargs.get('aggregation_recipe', None) # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs kwargs.update( { 'win_length_frames': win_length_frames, 'hop_length_frames': hop_length_frames, 'recipe': recipe } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryAggregationProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.aggregator = Aggregator(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process Parameters ---------- data : DataRepository Data store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataMatrix3DContainer """ if isinstance(data, RepositoryContainer): # Label exists in data repository for label in data: for stream_id in data[label]: # Do processing data.set_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id, container=self.aggregator.aggregate( data=data.get_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id ), **kwargs ) ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return data else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class SequencingProcessor(Processor): """Data sequencing processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, sequence_length=10, hop_length=None, padding=None, shift_border='roll', shift=0, required_data_amount_per_segment=0.9, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Parameters ---------- sequence_length : int Sequence length Default value 10 hop_length : int Hop value of when forming the sequence, if None then hop length equals to sequence_length (non-overlapping sequences). Default value None padding: str How data is treated at the boundaries [None, 'zero', 'repeat'] Default value None shift_border : string, ['roll', 'shift'] Sequence border handling when doing temporal shifting. Default value roll shift : int Sequencing grid shift. Default value 0 required_data_amount_per_segment : float [0,1] Percentage of valid data items per segment there need to be for valid segment. Use this parameter to filter out part of the non-full segments. Default value 0.9 """ # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs kwargs.update( { 'sequence_length': sequence_length, 'hop_length': hop_length, 'padding': padding, 'shift': shift, 'shift_border': shift_border, 'required_data_amount_per_segment': required_data_amount_per_segment } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(SequencingProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sequencer = Sequencer(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer Data store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataMatrix3DContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import ContainerMixin if isinstance(data, ContainerMixin): # Do processing container = self.sequencer.sequence( data=data, **kwargs ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositorySequencingProcessor(Processor): """Data sequencing processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, sequence_length=10, hop_length=None, padding=None, shift=0, shift_border='roll', required_data_amount_per_segment=0.9, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Parameters ---------- sequence_length : int Sequence length Default value 10 hop_length : int Hop value of when forming the sequence, if None then hop length equals to sequence_length (non-overlapping sequences). Default value None padding: str How data is treated at the boundaries [None, 'zero', 'repeat'] Default value None shift_border : string, ['roll', 'shift'] Sequence border handling when doing temporal shifting. Default value roll shift : int Sequencing grid shift. Default value 0 required_data_amount_per_segment : float [0,1] Percentage of valid data items per segment there need to be for valid segment. Use this parameter to filter out part of the non-full segments. Default value 0.9 """ # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs kwargs.update( { 'sequence_length': sequence_length, 'hop_length': hop_length, 'padding': padding, 'shift': shift, 'shift_border': shift_border, 'required_data_amount_per_segment': required_data_amount_per_segment } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositorySequencingProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sequencer = Sequencer(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process Parameters ---------- data : DataRepository Data store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataMatrix3DContainer """ if isinstance(data, RepositoryContainer): # Label exists in data repository for label in data: for stream_id in data[label]: # Do processing data.set_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id, container=self.sequencer.sequence( data=data.get_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id ), **kwargs ) ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return data else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class NormalizationProcessor(Processor): """Data normalizer to accumulate data statistics""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, n=None, s1=None, s2=None, mean=None, std=None, normalizer=None, filename=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Parameters ---------- n : int Item count used to calculate statistics Default value None s1 : numpy.array [shape=(vector_length,)] Vector-wise sum of the data seen by the Normalizer Default value None s2 : numpy.array [shape=(vector_length,)] Vector-wise sum^2 of the data seen by the Normalizer Default value None mean : numpy.ndarray() [shape=(vector_length, 1)] Mean of the data Default value None std : numpy.ndarray() [shape=(vector_length, 1)] Standard deviation of the data Default value None normalizer : Normalizer Normalizer object to initialize the processor Default value None filename : str Filename to saved normalizer object to initialize the processor Default value None """ if filename is not None: normalizer = Normalizer().load(filename=filename) # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs if isinstance(normalizer, Normalizer): # Valid Normalizer class given kwargs.update( { 'n': normalizer.n, 's1': normalizer.s1, 's2': normalizer.s2, 'mean': normalizer._mean, 'std': normalizer._std } ) else: kwargs.update( { 'n': n, 's1': s1, 's2': s2, 'mean': mean, 'std': std } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(NormalizationProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.normalizer = Normalizer(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Normalize feature matrix with internal statistics of the class Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer or numpy.ndarray DataContainer or numpy.ndarray to be normalized store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataContainer or numpy.ndarray [shape=(frames, number of feature values)] Normalized data matrix """ from dcase_util.containers import ContainerMixin if isinstance(data, ContainerMixin): # Do processing container = self.normalizer.normalize( data=data, **kwargs ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryNormalizationProcessor(Processor): """Data normalizer to accumulate data statistics inside repository""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters=None, normalizers=None, filename=None, **kwargs): """__init__ method. Parameters ---------- parameters : dict Pre-calculated statistics in dict to initialize internal state, label as key Default value None normalizer : Normalizer Normalizer object to initialize the processor, label as key Default value None filename : str Filename to saved normalizer object to initialize the processor Default value None """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} if filename is not None: normalizers = RepositoryNormalizer().load(filename=filename) if not parameters and isinstance(normalizers, RepositoryNormalizer): for label in normalizers.normalizers: if label not in parameters: parameters[label] = {} parameters[label] = { 'mean': normalizers.normalizers[label].mean, 'std': normalizers.normalizers[label].std } self.parameters = parameters # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryNormalizationProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __getstate__(self): d = super(RepositoryNormalizationProcessor, self).__getstate__() d.update( { 'parameters': self.parameters, } ) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(RepositoryNormalizationProcessor, self).__setstate__(d) self.parameters = d['parameters']
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Normalize data repository with internal statistics Parameters ---------- data : DataRepository DataRepository Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataRepository """ if isinstance(data, RepositoryContainer): for label, parameters in iteritems(self.parameters): if label in data: # Label exists in data repository if 'mean' in parameters and 'std' in parameters: # Normalization statistics are present, use same statistics for all streams for stream, stream_data in iteritems(data[label]): # Normalize # Make sure mean and std are numpy.array if isinstance(parameters['mean'], list): parameters['mean'] = numpy.array(parameters['mean']) if isinstance(parameters['std'], list): parameters['std'] = numpy.array(parameters['std']) # Make sure mean and std has correct shape if isinstance(parameters['mean'], numpy.ndarray) and len(parameters['mean'].shape) == 1: parameters['mean'] = parameters['mean'].reshape((-1, 1)) if isinstance(parameters['std'], numpy.ndarray) and len(parameters['std'].shape) == 1: parameters['std'] = parameters['std'].reshape((-1, 1)) = ( - parameters['mean']) / parameters['std'] elif isinstance(parameters, dict): # Most likely we have normalization statistics per stream pass if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return data else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class StackingProcessor(Processor): """Data stacking processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, recipe=None, hop=1, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- recipe : dict or str Stacking recipe hop : int, optional Feature hopping """ # Inject initialization parameters back to kwargs kwargs.update( { 'recipe': recipe, 'hop': hop } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(StackingProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.stacker = Stacker(**self.init_parameters)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Vector creation based on recipe Parameters ---------- data : RepositoryContainer Repository with needed data store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import RepositoryContainer if isinstance(data, RepositoryContainer): # Do processing container = self.stacker.stack( repository=data, **kwargs ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor( **processing_chain_item ) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryMaskingProcessor(Processor): """Data masking processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor """ # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryMaskingProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.masker = Masker()
[docs] def process(self, data, mask_events=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Vector creation based on recipe Parameters ---------- data : RepositoryContainer Repository with needed data mask_events : MetaDaaContainer Masking events Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import RepositoryContainer if isinstance(data, RepositoryContainer): # Do processing container = self.masker.mask( data=data, mask_events=mask_events ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class DataShapingProcessor(Processor): """Data shaping processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, axis_list=None, time_axis=None, data_axis=None, sequence_axis=None, channel_axis=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- axis_list : list List of axis names in order. Use this parameter or set by time_axis, data_axis, and sequence_axis. Default value None time_axis : int, optional New data axis for time. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None data_axis : int, optional New data axis for data. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None sequence_axis : int, optional New data axis for data sequence. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None channel_axis : int, optional New data axis for data channel. Current axis and new axis are swapped. Default value None """ # Initialize axis ids self.time_axis = None self.data_axis = None self.sequence_axis = None self.channel_axis = None if axis_list is not None: if isinstance(axis_list, list): for axis_id, item in enumerate(axis_list): if 'time' in item: self.time_axis = axis_id elif 'data' in item: self.data_axis = axis_id elif 'sequence' in item: self.sequence_axis = axis_id elif 'channel' in item: self.channel_axis = axis_id else: message = '{name}: Wrong type for axis_list, list required.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) else: self.time_axis = time_axis self.data_axis = data_axis self.sequence_axis = sequence_axis self.channel_axis = channel_axis # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(DataShapingProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process data Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer Data to be reshaped store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- DataContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import DataContainer, DataMatrix2DContainer, DataMatrix3DContainer, DataMatrix4DContainer if isinstance(data, DataContainer): # Do processing if isinstance(data, DataMatrix4DContainer): data.change_axis( time_axis=self.time_axis, data_axis=self.data_axis, sequence_axis=self.sequence_axis, channel_axis=self.channel_axis ) elif isinstance(data, DataMatrix3DContainer): data.change_axis( time_axis=self.time_axis, data_axis=self.data_axis, sequence_axis=self.sequence_axis ) elif isinstance(data, DataMatrix2DContainer): data.change_axis( time_axis=self.time_axis, data_axis=self.data_axis ) if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return data else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryToMatrixProcessor(Processor): """Repository converting processor""" input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, label=None, expanded_dimension='last', **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- label : str Default value None data_format : str Default value 'channel_last' expanded_dimension : str Controls where stream information should be added. Possible values ['first', 'last'] Default value 'last' """ # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryToMatrixProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label = label self.expanded_dimension = expanded_dimension
[docs] def process(self, data=None, label=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process data Parameters ---------- data : DataRepository Data to be reshaped Returns ------- DataContainer """ if label is None: label = self.label from dcase_util.containers import DataRepository, DataMatrix3DContainer, DataMatrix4DContainer if isinstance(data, DataRepository): # Do processing if label in data: data_list = [] for stream_id in data.stream_ids(label=label): current_container = data.get_container( label=label, stream_id=stream_id ) data_list.append( if len(current_container.shape) == 3: # Set expanded axis if self.expanded_dimension == 'first': stack_axis = 0 elif self.expanded_dimension == 'last': stack_axis = 3 # Create a new container container = DataMatrix4DContainer( data=numpy.stack(data_list, axis=stack_axis), processing_chain=data.processing_chain ) # Set axis correctly if self.expanded_dimension == 'first': container.time_axis = current_container.time_axis + 1 container.data_axis = current_container.data_axis + 1 container.sequence_axis = current_container.sequence_axis + 1 container.channel_axis = 0 elif self.expanded_dimension == 'last': container.time_axis = current_container.time_axis container.data_axis = current_container.data_axis container.sequence_axis = current_container.sequence_axis container.channel_axis = 3 elif len(current_container.shape) == 2: # Set expanded axis if self.expanded_dimension == 'first': stack_axis = 0 elif self.expanded_dimension == 'last': stack_axis = 2 # Create a new container container = DataMatrix3DContainer( data=numpy.stack(data_list, axis=stack_axis), processing_chain=data.processing_chain ) # Set axis correctly if self.expanded_dimension == 'first': container.time_axis = current_container.time_axis + 1 container.data_axis = current_container.data_axis + 1 container.sequence_axis = 0 elif self.expanded_dimension == 'last': container.time_axis = current_container.time_axis container.data_axis = current_container.data_axis container.sequence_axis = 2 if store_processing_chain: # Get processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Push chain item into processing chain stored in the container container.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Label not found from repository [{label}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)