Source code for dcase_util.processors.features

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from six import iteritems
import copy
from dcase_util.containers import FeatureContainer, FeatureRepository
from dcase_util.features import MelExtractor, MfccStaticExtractor, MfccDeltaExtractor, \
    MfccAccelerationExtractor, ZeroCrossingRateExtractor, RMSEnergyExtractor, SpectralCentroidExtractor, \
    OpenL3Extractor, TorchOpenL3Extractor, EdgeL3Extractor
from dcase_util.processors import Processor, ProcessingChainItemType, ProcessingChain
from dcase_util.utils import get_class_inheritors

[docs]class FeatureReadingProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.NONE #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(FeatureReadingProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, filename=None, focus_start=None, focus_stop=None, focus_duration=None, focus_start_seconds=None, focus_stop_seconds=None, focus_duration_seconds=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Data reading. Parameters ---------- data : FeatureContainer Input feature data. Default value None filename : str Filename of the feature container to load. Default value None focus_start : int, optional Segment start, frame index of focus segment start. Default value None focus_stop : int, optional Segment end, Frame index of focus segment stop. Default value None focus_duration : int, optional Segment duration, Frame count of focus segment. Default value None focus_start_seconds : float > 0.0 Segment start, seconds. Default value None focus_stop_seconds : float > 0.0 Segment end, seconds. Default value None focus_duration_seconds : float Segment duration, seconds. Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned. Default value False Returns ------- self """ if data is None and self.input_type == ProcessingChainItemType.NONE: container = FeatureContainer() if filename: # Load features from disk container.load( filename=filename ) if focus_start is not None and focus_duration is not None: # Set focus segment and channel container.set_focus( start=focus_start, duration=focus_duration ) elif focus_start is not None and focus_stop is not None: # Set focus segment and channel container.set_focus( start=focus_start, stop=focus_stop ) elif focus_start_seconds is not None and focus_duration_seconds is not None: # Set focus segment and channel container.set_focus( start_seconds=focus_start_seconds, duration_seconds=focus_duration_seconds ) elif focus_start_seconds is not None and focus_stop_seconds is not None: # Set focus segment and channel container.set_focus( start_seconds=focus_start_seconds, stop_seconds=focus_stop_seconds ) if store_processing_chain and not container.processing_chain: # Insert Reader processor only if processing chain is empty processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() if 'process_parameters' not in processing_chain_item: processing_chain_item['process_parameters'] = {} processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['filename'] = filename processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_start'] = focus_start processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_duration'] = focus_duration processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_start'] = focus_start processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_stop'] = focus_stop processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_start_seconds'] = focus_start_seconds processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_duration_seconds'] = focus_duration_seconds processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_start_seconds'] = focus_start_seconds processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['focus_stop_seconds'] = focus_stop_seconds container.push_processing_chain_item(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class FeatureWritingProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.NONE #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(FeatureWritingProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, output_filename=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Data writing. Parameters ---------- data : FeatureContainer Input feature data. Default value None output_filename : str Filename of the feature container to save. Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container Default value False Returns ------- self """ if data: container = FeatureContainer(data=data) if store_processing_chain: container.processing_chain = data.processing_chain if output_filename: # Load features from disk filename=output_filename ) return container else: message = '{name}: No input data.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryFeatureReadingProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.NONE #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryFeatureReadingProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, filename=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Data repository reading. Parameters ---------- data : FeatureContainer Input feature data. Default value None filename : str Filename of the feature container to load. Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned. Default value False Returns ------- self """ if data is None and self.input_type == ProcessingChainItemType.NONE: container = FeatureRepository() if filename: container.load( filename=filename ) if store_processing_chain: processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() if 'process_parameters' not in processing_chain_item: processing_chain_item['process_parameters'] = {} processing_chain_item['process_parameters']['filename'] = filename container.push_processing_chain_item(**processing_chain_item) return container else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryFeatureWritingProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.NONE #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryFeatureWritingProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, output_filename=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Data repository writing. Parameters ---------- data : FeatureContainer Input feature data. Default value None output_filename : str Filename of the feature container to save. Default value None store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container Default value False Returns ------- self """ if data: repository = FeatureRepository(data=data) if store_processing_chain: repository.processing_chain = data.processing_chain if output_filename: # Load features from disk filename=output_filename ) return repository else: message = '{name}: No input data.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class FeatureExtractorProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.AUDIO #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(FeatureExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Extract features Parameters ---------- data : AudioContainer Audio data to extract features store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- FeatureContainer """ from dcase_util.containers import FeatureContainer, AudioContainer if isinstance(data, AudioContainer): if store_processing_chain: if hasattr(data, 'processing_chain') and data.processing_chain.chain_item_exists( processor_name='dcase_util.processors.' + self.__class__.__name__): # Current processor is already in the processing chain, get that processing_chain_item = data.processing_chain.chain_item( processor_name='dcase_util.processors.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) else: # Create a new processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) if hasattr(data, 'processing_chain'): data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) processing_chain = data.processing_chain else: processing_chain = ProcessingChain().push_processor(**processing_chain_item) else: processing_chain = None return FeatureContainer( data=self.extract(y=data.get_focused()), time_resolution=self.hop_length_seconds, processing_chain=processing_chain ) else: message = '{name}: Wrong input data type, type required [{input_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=self.input_type) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor(Processor): input_type = ProcessingChainItemType.AUDIO #: Input data type output_type = ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY #: Output data type
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- parameters : dict Extraction parameters, extractor label as key and parameters as value. """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} kwargs.update( { 'parameters': parameters } ) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RepositoryFeatureExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.parameters = kwargs.get('parameters', {}) self.label_to_class = {} for processor in get_class_inheritors(FeatureExtractorProcessor): self.label_to_class[processor.label] = processor
def __getstate__(self): return { 'parameters': self.parameters } def __setstate__(self, d): self.parameters = d['parameters'] self.label_to_class = {} for processor in get_class_inheritors(FeatureExtractorProcessor): self.label_to_class[processor.label] = processor
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Extract features Parameters ---------- data : AudioContainer Audio data to extract features store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- FeatureRepository """ from dcase_util.containers import FeatureRepository, AudioContainer if isinstance(data, AudioContainer): if store_processing_chain: if hasattr(data, 'processing_chain') and data.processing_chain.chain_item_exists( processor_name='dcase_util.processors.' + self.__class__.__name__): # Current processor is already in the processing chain, get that processing_chain_item = data.processing_chain.chain_item( processor_name='dcase_util.processors.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) else: # Create a new processing chain item processing_chain_item = self.get_processing_chain_item() # Update current processing parameters into chain item processing_chain_item.update({ 'process_parameters': kwargs }) # Create processing chain to be stored in the container, and push chain item into it if hasattr(data, 'processing_chain'): data.processing_chain.push_processor(**processing_chain_item) processing_chain = data.processing_chain else: processing_chain = ProcessingChain().push_processor(**processing_chain_item) else: processing_chain = None # Create repository container repository = FeatureRepository( processing_chain=processing_chain ) # Make local copy of data current_data = copy.deepcopy(data) if data.streams == 1: # We have single channel audio input for label, parameters in iteritems(self.parameters): if label in self.label_to_class: # Get processor processor = self.label_to_class[label](**parameters) # Reset processing chain current_data.processing_chain = ProcessingChain() # Extract features extracted = processor.process(data=current_data) repository.set_container( container=extracted, label=label ) else: message = '{name}: Unknown label [{label}], no corresponding class found.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label) self.logger.exception(message) raise AssertionError(message) elif data.streams > 1: # We have multi-channel audio input for stream_id in range(0, data.streams): for label, parameters in iteritems(self.parameters): if label in self.label_to_class: # Get processor processor = self.label_to_class[label](**parameters) # Reset processing chain current_data.processing_chain = ProcessingChain() # Set focus to the current stream current_data.focus_channel = stream_id # Extract features extracted = processor.process(data=current_data) # Add extracted features to the repository repository.set_container( container=extracted, label=label, stream_id=stream_id ) else: message = '{name}: Unknown label [{label}], no corresponding class found.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, label=label) self.logger.exception(message) raise AssertionError(message) return repository
[docs]class MelExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, MelExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', n_mels=40, fmin=0, fmax=None, normalize_mel_bands=False, htk=False, logarithmic=True, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. spectrogram_type : str Spectrogram type, magnitude or power spectrogram. n_fft : int Length of the FFT window. window_type : str Window function type. n_mels : int Number of mel bands to generate fmin : int Lowest frequency in mel bands (in Hz) fmax : int Highest frequency in mel bands (in Hz), if None, fmax = fs/2.0 normalize_mel_bands : bool Normalize mel band to have peak at 1.0 htk : bool Use HTK formula for mel band creation instead of Slaney logarithmic : bool Switch for log mel-band energies """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'n_mels': n_mels, 'fmin': fmin, 'fmax': fmax, 'normalize_mel_bands': normalize_mel_bands, 'htk': htk, 'logarithmic': logarithmic }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run MelExtractor init MelExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(MelExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class MfccStaticExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, MfccStaticExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', n_mfcc=20, n_mels=40, fmin=0, fmax=None, normalize_mel_bands=False, htk=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. spectrogram_type : str Spectrogram type, magnitude or power spectrogram. n_fft : int Length of the FFT window. window_type : str Window function type. n_mels : int Number of mel bands to generate fmin : int Lowest frequency in mel bands (in Hz) fmax : int Highest frequency in mel bands (in Hz), if None, fmax = fs/2.0 normalize_mel_bands : bool Normalize mel band to have peak at 1.0 htk : bool Use HTK formula for mel band creation instead of Slaney n_mfcc : int Number of MFCC coefficients """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'n_mfcc': n_mfcc, 'n_mels': n_mels, 'fmin': fmin, 'fmax': fmax, 'normalize_mel_bands': normalize_mel_bands, 'htk': htk }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run MfccStaticExtractor init MfccStaticExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(MfccStaticExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class MfccDeltaExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, MfccDeltaExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', n_mfcc=20, n_mels=40, fmin=0, fmax=None, normalize_mel_bands=False, htk=False, width=9, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. spectrogram_type : str Spectrogram type, magnitude or power spectrogram. n_fft : int Length of the FFT window. window_type : str Window function type. n_mels : int Number of mel bands to generate. fmin : int Lowest frequency in mel bands (in Hz). fmax : int Highest frequency in mel bands (in Hz), if None, fmax = fs/2.0. normalize_mel_bands : bool Normalize mel band to have peak at 1.0. htk : bool Use HTK formula for mel band creation instead of Slaney. n_mfcc : int Number of MFCC coefficients. width : int Width of the delta window. """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'n_mfcc': n_mfcc, 'n_mels': n_mels, 'fmin': fmin, 'fmax': fmax, 'normalize_mel_bands': normalize_mel_bands, 'htk': htk, 'width': width }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run MfccDeltaExtractor init MfccDeltaExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(MfccDeltaExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class MfccAccelerationExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, MfccAccelerationExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', n_mfcc=20, n_mels=40, fmin=0, fmax=None, normalize_mel_bands=False, htk=False, width=9, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. spectrogram_type : str Spectrogram type, magnitude or power spectrogram. n_fft : int Length of the FFT window. window_type : str Window function type. n_mels : int Number of mel bands to generate. fmin : int Lowest frequency in mel bands (in Hz). fmax : int Highest frequency in mel bands (in Hz), if None, fmax = fs/2.0. normalize_mel_bands : bool Normalize mel band to have peak at 1.0. htk : bool Use HTK formula for mel band creation instead of Slaney. n_mfcc : int Number of MFCC coefficients. width : int Width of the delta window. """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'n_mfcc': n_mfcc, 'n_mels': n_mels, 'fmin': fmin, 'fmax': fmax, 'normalize_mel_bands': normalize_mel_bands, 'htk': htk, 'width': width }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run MfccAccelerationExtractor init MfccAccelerationExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(MfccAccelerationExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class ZeroCrossingRateExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, ZeroCrossingRateExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, center=True, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. center : bool If True, frames are centered by padding the edges of signal. """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'center': center }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run ZeroCrossingRateExtractor init ZeroCrossingRateExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(ZeroCrossingRateExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class RMSEnergyExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, RMSEnergyExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', center=True, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. center : bool If True, frames are centered by padding the edges of signal. """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'center': center }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run RMSEnergyExtractor init RMSEnergyExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(RMSEnergyExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SpectralCentroidExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, SpectralCentroidExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, win_length_samples=None, hop_length_samples=None, win_length_seconds=0.04, hop_length_seconds=0.02, spectrogram_type='magnitude', n_fft=2048, window_type='hamming_asymmetric', center=True, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. win_length_samples : int Window length in samples. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. win_length_seconds : float Window length in seconds. hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. center : bool If true, input signal is padded so to the frame is centered at hop length """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'win_length_samples': win_length_samples, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'win_length_seconds': win_length_seconds, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'spectrogram_type': spectrogram_type, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'window_type': window_type, 'center': center }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run SpectralCentroidExtractor init SpectralCentroidExtractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(SpectralCentroidExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class OpenL3ExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, OpenL3Extractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, hop_length_samples=None, hop_length_seconds=0.02, model=None, input_repr='mel256', content_type="music", embedding_size=6144, center=True, batch_size=32, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. Default value None hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. Default value 0.02 model : keras.models.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. Default value None input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value "mel256" content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value "music" embedding_size : 6144 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value 6144 center : bool If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. Default value True batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model Default value 32 verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Default value False """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'model': model, 'input_repr': input_repr, 'content_type': content_type, 'embedding_size': embedding_size, 'center': center, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'verbose': verbose, }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run SpectralCentroidExtractor init OpenL3Extractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(OpenL3ExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class TorchOpenL3ExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, TorchOpenL3Extractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, hop_length_samples=None, hop_length_seconds=0.02, model=None, input_repr='mel256', content_type="music", embedding_size=6144, center=True, batch_size=32, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. Default value None hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. Default value 0.02 model : keras.models.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `input_repr`, `content_type`, and `embedding_size` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided values of `input_repr`, `content_type` and `embedding_size`. Default value None input_repr : "linear", "mel128", or "mel256" Spectrogram representation used for model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value "mel256" content_type : "music" or "env" Type of content used to train the embedding model. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value "music" embedding_size : 6144 or 512 Embedding dimensionality. Ignored if `model` is a valid Keras model. Default value 6144 center : bool If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. Default value True batch_size : int Batch size used for input to embedding model Default value 32 verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Default value False """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'model': model, 'input_repr': input_repr, 'content_type': content_type, 'embedding_size': embedding_size, 'center': center, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'verbose': verbose, }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run SpectralCentroidExtractor init TorchOpenL3Extractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(TorchOpenL3ExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class EdgeL3ExtractorProcessor(FeatureExtractorProcessor, EdgeL3Extractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs=44100, hop_length_samples=None, hop_length_seconds=0.02, model=None, retrain_type='ft', sparsity=95.45, center=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate of the incoming signal. hop_length_samples : int Hop length in samples. Default value None hop_length_seconds : float Hop length in seconds. Default value 0.02 model : keras.models.Model or None Loaded model object. If a model is provided, then `sparsity` will be ignored. If None is provided, the model will be loaded using the provided `sparsity` value. Default value None retrain_type : {'ft', 'kd'} Type of retraining for the sparsified weights of L3 audio model. 'ft' chooses the fine-tuning method and 'kd' returns knowledge distilled model. Default value "ft" sparsity : {95.45, 53.5, 63.5, 72.3, 73.5, 81.0, 87.0, 90.5} The desired sparsity of audio model. Default value 95.45 center : bool If True, pads beginning of signal so timestamps correspond to center of window. Default value True verbose : bool If True, prints verbose messages. Default value False """ kwargs.update({ 'fs': fs, 'hop_length_samples': hop_length_samples, 'hop_length_seconds': hop_length_seconds, 'model': model, 'retrain_type': retrain_type, 'sparsity': sparsity, 'center': center, 'verbose': verbose, }) # Run FeatureExtractorProcessor init FeatureExtractorProcessor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run SpectralCentroidExtractor init EdgeL3Extractor.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Run super init to call init of mixins too super(EdgeL3ExtractorProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)