Source code for dcase_util.processors.processing_chain

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import importlib
from dcase_util.containers import DictContainer, ListDictContainer
from dcase_util.ui import FancyLogger, FancyStringifier
from dcase_util.utils import FileFormat

class ProcessingChainItemType(object):
    NONE = 'NONE'

[docs]class ProcessingChainItem(DictContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProcessingChainItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.processor_class = None # Initialize processor class self.init_processor_class()
def __getstate__(self): d = super(ProcessingChainItem, self).__getstate__() return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(ProcessingChainItem, self).__setstate__(d) self.init_processor_class() def init_processor_class(self): """Initialize processor class Returns ------- self """ processor_name = self.get('processor_name') processor_init_parameters = self.get('init_parameters', {}) if processor_name: try: # Get module if len(processor_name.split('.')) == 1: processor_name = 'dcase_util.processors.' + processor_name processor_module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(processor_name.split('.')[:-1])) self.processor_class = eval('processor_module.' + processor_name.split('.')[-1])(**processor_init_parameters) except NameError: message = '{name}: Processor class was not found [{processor_name}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, processor_name=processor_name ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) return self
[docs]class ProcessingChain(ListDictContainer): valid_formats = [FileFormat.CPICKLE, FileFormat.YAML] #: Valid formats valid_input_types = [ ProcessingChainItemType.AUDIO, ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER, ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY, ProcessingChainItemType.METADATA, ProcessingChainItemType.MATRIX, ProcessingChainItemType.NONE ] #: Valid input data types valid_output_types = [ ProcessingChainItemType.AUDIO, ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER, ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY, ProcessingChainItemType.METADATA, ProcessingChainItemType.MATRIX, ProcessingChainItemType.NONE ] #: Valid output data types
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """__init__ method. """ if len(args) > 0 and args[0] and (not isinstance(args[0], list) or not isinstance(args[0][0], dict)): message = '{name}: ProcessingChain should be initialized with list of dicts.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) super(ProcessingChain, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Make sure items are ProcessingChainItems and that their parameters are valid. if len(self): for item_id, item in enumerate(self): if not isinstance(item, ProcessingChainItem): current_processor = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=item['processor_name'] ) from dcase_util.processors.processor import Processor if not issubclass(current_processor, Processor): message = '{name}: ProcessingChain items should be Processor classes, please check item [{item}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, item=item['processor_name'] ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) item.update( { 'input_type': current_processor.input_type, 'output_type': current_processor.output_type, } ) self._check_item(item) if item_id > 0: # Check connection from second item in the chain, # check connecting data type to between current and previous item. self._check_connection( item1=self[item_id-1], item2=item ) # Store processing chain item self[item_id] = ProcessingChainItem(item)
def chain_string(self): """Basic info about the items in the chain. Returns ------- str """ output = '' ui = FancyStringifier() output += ui.row('ID', 'Processor', 'Input', 'Output', 'Init parameters set', widths=[5, 30, 18, 18, 50]) + '\n' output += ui.row('-', '-', '-', '-', '-') + '\n' if len(self): for item_id, item in enumerate(self): if isinstance(item, ProcessingChainItem): current_processor = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=item['processor_name'] ) processor_name = item['processor_name'].split('.')[-1] output += ui.row( item_id, processor_name, current_processor.input_type, current_processor.output_type, ','.join(item.get('init_parameters', {}).keys()) ) + '\n' else: output += ui.row('Empty', widths=[95]) return output
[docs] def show_chain(self): """Show chain information.""" print(self.chain_string())
[docs] def log_chain(self, level='info'): """Log chain information Parameters ---------- level : str Logging level, possible values [info, debug, warn, warning, error, critical] Returns ------- Nothing """ ui = FancyLogger() ui.line(field=self.chain_string(), level=level)
def _check_item(self, item): """Check validity of processing chain item. Parameters ---------- item : ProcessingChainItem processing chain item Returns ------- ProcessingChainItem processing chain item """ if 'init_parameters' in item and item['init_parameters'] is None: item['init_parameters'] = {} if 'process_parameters' in item and item['process_parameters'] is None: item['process_parameters'] = {} if 'input_type' in item: if set(item['input_type']) > set(self.valid_input_types): message = '{name}: Unknown process input type [{input_type}] for processor [{processor_name}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, input_type=item['input_type'], processor_name=item['processor_name'], ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if 'output_type' in item: if set(item['output_type']) > set(self.valid_output_types): message = '{name}: Unknown process output type [{output_type}] for processor [{processor_name}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, output_type=item['output_type'], processor_name=item['processor_name'], ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) return item def _check_connection(self, item1, item2): """Check processing chain connection validity. Check that output type of item1 is an input type of item2. Parameters ---------- item1 : ProcessingChainItem processing chain item item2 : ProcessingChainItem processing chain item Returns ------- """ # Get processor class reference to item1 item1_processor = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=item1['processor_name'] ) # Get processor class reference to item2 item2_processor = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=item2['processor_name'] ) # Make sure connecting types are same. if item1_processor.output_type != item2_processor.input_type: message = '{name}: Chain connection invalid between items [{item1}][{output_type}] -> [{item2}][{input_type}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, item1=item1['processor_name'], item2=item1['processor_name'], output_type=item1_processor.output_type, input_type=item2_processor.input_type ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def processor_exists(self, processor_name): """Checks that processor exists in the chain. Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name Returns ------- bool """ for processor in self: if processor.get('processor_name') == processor_name: return True return False
[docs] def push_processor(self, processor_name, init_parameters=None, process_parameters=None, preprocessing_callbacks=None, input_type=None, output_type=None): """Push processor item to the chain, if item already exists in the processing chain update only parameters. Processor name is considered unique in the processing chain. Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name init_parameters : dict Processor initialization parameters Default value None process_parameters : dict Parameters for the process method Default value None preprocessing_callbacks : list of dicts Default value None input_type : ProcessingChainItemType Input data type of the processor Default value None output_type : ProcessingChainItemType Output data type of the processor Default value None Returns ------- self """ if init_parameters is None: init_parameters = {} if process_parameters is None: process_parameters = {} if preprocessing_callbacks is None: preprocessing_callbacks = [] if not self.chain_item_exists(processor_name=processor_name): if input_type is None: input_type = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=processor_name ).input_type if output_type is None: output_type = self.processor_class_reference( processor_name=processor_name ).output_type # Create item item = ProcessingChainItem({ 'processor_name': processor_name, 'init_parameters': init_parameters, 'process_parameters': process_parameters, 'preprocessing_callbacks': preprocessing_callbacks, 'input_type': input_type, 'output_type': output_type, }) # Check item self._check_item(item=item) # If there is other items in the chain check connection to previous item. if len(self) > 0: self._check_connection(item1=self[-1], item2=item) self.append(item) else: # Update existing processing chain item item = self.chain_item(processor_name=processor_name) if init_parameters: item['init_parameters'].update(init_parameters) if process_parameters: item['process_parameters'].update(process_parameters) if preprocessing_callbacks: item['preprocessing_callbacks'] = preprocessing_callbacks if input_type: item['input_type'] = input_type if output_type: item['output_type'] = output_type # Check item self._check_item(item=item) return self
[docs] def processor_class_reference(self, processor_name): """Processor class reference. Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name Returns ------- class reference """ try: if len(processor_name.split('.')) == 1: processor_name = 'dcase_util.processors.' + processor_name processor_module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(processor_name.split('.')[:-1])) return eval('processor_module.' + processor_name.split('.')[-1]) except NameError: message = '{name}: Processor class was not found [{processor_name}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, processor_name=processor_name ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def processor_class(self, processor_name, **kwargs): """Processor class initialized. Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name Returns ------- class """ try: # Get module if len(processor_name.split('.')) == 1: processor_name = 'dcase_util.processors.' + processor_name processor_module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(processor_name.split('.')[:-1])) return eval('processor_module.' + processor_name.split('.')[-1])(**kwargs) except NameError: message = '{name}: Processor class was not found [{processor_name}]'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, processor_name=processor_name ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def process(self, data=None, store_processing_chain=False, **kwargs): """Process the data with processing chain Parameters ---------- data : DataContainer Data store_processing_chain : bool Store processing chain to data container returned Default value False Returns ------- data : DataContainer Processed data """ for step_id, step in enumerate(self): # Loop through steps in the processing chain if isinstance(step, ProcessingChainItem): if step_id == 0 and data is None: # Inject data for the first item in the chain if step.processor_class.input_type == ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_CONTAINER: from dcase_util.containers import DataMatrix2DContainer data = DataMatrix2DContainer(**kwargs).load() elif step.processor_class.input_type == ProcessingChainItemType.DATA_REPOSITORY: from dcase_util.containers import DataRepository data = DataRepository(**kwargs).load() if 'preprocessing_callbacks' in step and isinstance(step['preprocessing_callbacks'], list): # Handle pre-processing callbacks assigned to current processor for method in step['preprocessing_callbacks']: if isinstance(method, dict): method_name = method.get('method_name') method_parameters = method.get('parameters') if hasattr(step.processor_class, method_name): getattr(step.processor_class, method_name)(**method_parameters) if hasattr(step.processor_class, 'process'): # Call process method of the processor if it exists # Get process parameters from step process_parameters = step.get('process_parameters', {}) # Update parameters with current parameters given process_parameters.update(kwargs) # Do actual processing data = step.processor_class.process( data=data, store_processing_chain=store_processing_chain, **process_parameters ) return data
[docs] def call_method(self, method_name, parameters=None): """Call class method in the processing chain items Processing chain is gone through and given method is called to processing items having such method. Parameters ---------- method_name : str Method name to call parameters : dict Parameters for the method Returns ------- self """ parameters = parameters or {} for step in self: if hasattr(step.processor_class, method_name): getattr(step.processor_class, method_name)(**parameters) return self
[docs] def chain_item_exists(self, processor_name): """Check if item exists already in the chain Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name Returns ------- bool """ for step_id, step in enumerate(self): if step.get('processor_name') == processor_name: return True return False
[docs] def chain_item(self, processor_name): """Get item based processor_name from the processing chain. If processor is not found, None returned. Parameters ---------- processor_name : str processor name Returns ------- ProcessingChainItem """ for step_id, step in enumerate(self): if step.get('processor_name') == processor_name: return step return None