Source code for

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import six
import string
import collections
import logging
from dcase_util.utils import setup_logging

[docs]class BibtexProcessor(object): """Simple Bibtex field processing class to prepare bibtex entries for the challenge and workshop submissions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, year=None): """Constructor Parameters ---------- year : int Year """ self.year = year self.keys = {} self.num2alpha = dict(zip(range(1, 27), string.ascii_lowercase)) self.num2alpha[0] = ''
[docs] def key(self, authors, title=None, year=None): """Bibtex key generation. Keeps track internally seen keys to avoid identical keys. Parameters ---------- authors : list of dict List of author dicts title : str Publication title year : int Publication year Returns ------- str Bibtex key """ if year is None: year = self.year key = authors[0]['lastname'].replace(' ', '_')+str(year) # Handle special characters key = key.replace(u'ö', 'oe') key = key.replace(u'ä', 'ae') if key not in self.keys: self.keys[key] = [] if title not in self.keys[key]: self.keys[key].append(title) key += self.num2alpha[self.keys[key].index(title)] if six.PY2: return str(key.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: return str(key.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), 'utf-8')
[docs] @staticmethod def authors(authors): """Author list in format [lastname1], [firstname1] and [lastname2], [firstname2]. Parameters ---------- authors : list of dict List of author dicts Returns ------- str Authors string """ bibtex_authors = [] for author in authors: bibtex_authors.append(author['lastname']+', '+author['firstname']) return ' and '.join(bibtex_authors)
[docs] def authors_fancy(self, authors, affiliation_list=None): """Author list with affiliation indexes. Parameters ---------- authors : list of dict List of author dicts affiliation_list : list of affiliations, optional List of affiliation dicts Returns ------- str Authors string """ if affiliation_list is None: affiliation_list = self.affiliation_list(authors=authors) bibtex_authors_fancy = [] for author in authors: name = author['firstname'] + ' ' + author['lastname'] if len(affiliation_list) > 1: sup_text = {} if not isinstance(author['affiliation'], list): aff_list = [author['affiliation']] else: aff_list = author['affiliation'] for aff in aff_list: aff_label = self.affiliation_str(aff) if aff_label in affiliation_list: aff_index = affiliation_list.index(aff_label)+1 sup_text[aff_index] = str(aff_index) sup_text = '<sup>'+','.join(list(collections.OrderedDict(sorted(sup_text.items())).values()))+'</sup>' bibtex_authors_fancy.append(name+sup_text) else: bibtex_authors_fancy.append(name) if len(bibtex_authors_fancy) > 2: return ', '.join(bibtex_authors_fancy[0:-1]) + ' and ' + bibtex_authors_fancy[-1] elif len(bibtex_authors_fancy) == 2: return bibtex_authors_fancy[0] + ' and ' + bibtex_authors_fancy[1] else: return bibtex_authors_fancy[0]
[docs] def affiliation_str(self, data): """Affiliation string. Parameters ---------- data : list or dict Affiliation information dictionary Returns ------- str Affiliation string """ if isinstance(data, list): part_list = [] for a in data: part_list.append(self.affiliation_str(a)) return '; '.join(part_list) elif isinstance(data, dict): part_list = [] if 'department' in data and data['department']: part_list.append(data['department'].strip()) if 'institute' in data and data['institute']: part_list.append(data['institute'].strip()) if 'location' in data and data['location']: part_list.append(data['location'].strip()) return ', '.join(part_list)
[docs] def affiliation_list(self, authors): """Collect all unique affiliations Parameters ---------- authors : list of dict List of author dicts Returns ------- list List of affiliation information dictionaries """ affiliation_list = [] for author in authors: if isinstance(author['affiliation'], list): for a in author['affiliation']: label = self.affiliation_str(a) if label not in affiliation_list: affiliation_list.append(label) else: label = self.affiliation_str(author['affiliation']) if label not in affiliation_list: affiliation_list.append(label) return affiliation_list
[docs] def affiliation_list_fancy(self, authors, affiliation_list=None): """Affiliation string with indexes. Parameters ---------- authors : list of dict List of author dicts affiliation_list : list, optional List of affiliation dicts Returns ------- str String of affiliations with indexes. """ if affiliation_list is None: affiliation_list = self.affiliation_list(authors=authors) if len(affiliation_list) > 1: bibtex_affiliations_fancy = [] for index, aff in enumerate(affiliation_list): bibtex_affiliations_fancy.append('<sup>'+str(index+1)+'</sup>'+aff) return ', '.join(bibtex_affiliations_fancy) else: return affiliation_list[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def submissions_fancy(submissions, css_class='label label-primary'): """HTML string with submission labels Parameters ---------- submissions : list of str List of submission labels css_class : str CSS class for spans to wrap the submission labels Default value "label label-primary" Returns ------- str String of submission labels """ output = '' for sub in submissions: if css_class: output += '<span class="'+css_class+'">'+sub+'</span> ' else: output += sub+', ' return output
[docs] def title(self, title): """Process publication title. Parameters ---------- title : str Publication title Returns ------- str Processed title """ try: from titlecase import titlecase except ImportError: message = '{name}: Unable to import titlecase module. You can install it with `pip install titlecase`.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ImportError(message) def abbreviations(word, **kwargs): word_prefix = '' word_postfix = '' if word.startswith('('): word_prefix = word[0] word = word[1:] if word.endswith(':') or word.endswith(')'): word_postfix = word[-1] word = word[:-1] abbr_list = [] abbr_list += ['GMM', 'DNN', 'CNN', 'RNN', 'CRNN', 'HMM', 'LSTM', 'MP', 'MLP', 'NMF'] abbr_list += ['VGG', 'SVM', 'LTE', 'CQT', 'MFCC', 'GRU', 'I', 'AA'] abbr_list += ['1D', '2D', '3D'] abbr_list += ['DCASE', 'DCASE’20', 'DCASE2020', 'DCASE2019', 'DCASE2018', 'DCASE2017', 'DCASE2016', 'TUNI', 'TUT', 'USTC', 'CP-JKU', 'IIT', 'SEIE-SCUT'] abbr_list += ['B2C', 'IEEE', 'AASP', 'ADSC', 'BUET', 'CVSSP', 'CMU', 'COCAI', 'MTG', 'UPM', 'NCU', 'SINICA', 'CERTH', 'B2C', 'R-FCN', 'INRS-EMT', 'CAU-ET', 'RF', '1A', '1B', '1C', 'QTI', ' A', ' B'] abbr_list += ['ASC', 'SED'] if word.upper() in abbr_list: return word_prefix + '{'+word.upper()+'}' + word_postfix if word.upper().endswith('S'): if word[:-1].upper() in abbr_list: return word_prefix + '{' + word[:-1].upper() + 's}' + word_postfix if '-' in word: word_list = [] for w in word.split('-'): if w.upper() in abbr_list: word_list.append('{' + w.upper() + '}') else: word_list.append(titlecase(w)) return '-'.join(word_list) + word_postfix mixed_list = ['FrameCNN', 'LightGBM', 'ResNet', 'XGBoost', 'RNNs'] mixed_list_upper = [] for i in mixed_list: mixed_list_upper.append(i.upper()) if word.upper() in mixed_list_upper: return word_prefix + '{' + mixed_list[mixed_list_upper.index(word.upper())] + '}' + word_postfix # titlecase library implements AP-style (where all shorter than 4 letter words are not capitalized) # let's make exception for "with" lower_exceptions = ['with', 'WITH'] if word in lower_exceptions: return word_prefix + word.lower() + word_postfix title = titlecase(title.lower(), callback=abbreviations) if 'Task' in title: title = title.replace('Task a', 'Task {A}').replace('Task A', 'Task {A}').replace('Task b', 'Task {B}').replace('Task B', 'Task {B}') return title
[docs] @staticmethod def abstract(abstract): """Process publication abstract. Parameters ---------- abstract : str Publication abstract Returns ------- str Processed abstract """ pairs = [ [u'\xe2\x80\x93', u'-'], [u'\xe2\x80\x94', u'-'], [u'\xe2\x80\x99', u"'"], [u'\xef\xac\x81', u'fi'], [u'\xe2\x80\x9d', u'"'], [u'\n', u''], [u'\%', u'%'], [u'$', u''], ] if six.PY2: abstract = abstract.decode('utf-8') for pair in pairs: abstract = abstract.replace(pair[0], pair[1]) return abstract
@property def logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not logger.handlers: setup_logging() return logger