Source code for dcase_util.ui.ui

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import six
import logging
import numpy
import datetime
import re
from dcase_util.utils import setup_logging, is_float, is_int

[docs]class FancyStringifier(object): """Fancy UI """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.row_column_widths = [] self.row_data_types = [] self.row_indent = 2 self.row_column_separators = [] self.row_column_count = None self.row_column_numerical_value_sum = {} self.row_column_numerical_value_count = {}
@property def logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not logger.handlers: setup_logging() return logger
[docs] def title(self, text): """Title Parameters ---------- text : str Title text Returns ------- str """ return text
[docs] def section_header(self, text, indent=0): """Section header Parameters ---------- text : str Section header text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return ' ' * indent + text + '\n' + self.sep(indent=indent)
[docs] def sub_header(self, text='', indent=0): """Sub header Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return ' ' * indent + '=== ' + text + ' ==='
[docs] def foot(self, text='DONE', time=None, item_count=None, indent=2): """Footer Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text Default value 'DONE' time : str or float, optional Elapsed time as string or float (as seconds) Default value None item_count : int, optional Item count Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ output = '{text:10s} '.format(text=text) if time: if isinstance(time, six.string_types): output += '[{time:<14s}] '.format(time=time) elif isinstance(time, float): output += '[{time:<14s}] '.format(time=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time))) if item_count: output += '[{items:<d} items] '.format(items=item_count) if time and isinstance(time, float): output += '[{item_time:<14s} per item]'.format( item_time=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time / float(item_count))) ) return ' ' * indent + output
[docs] def line(self, field=None, indent=2, data=None): """Line Parameters ---------- field : str Data field name Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ if field is None and data is not None: field = data if field is not None: lines = field.split('\n') else: lines = [''] for line_id, line in enumerate(lines): lines[line_id] = ' ' * indent + '{field:}'.format(field=line) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] @staticmethod def formatted_value(value, data_type='auto'): """Format value into string. Valid data_type parameters: - auto - str or stf (fixed width string, padded with white space) - bool - float1, float2, float3, float4, float5, float6 - float1_percentage, float2_percentage, float3_percentage, float4_percentage - float1_percentage+ci, float2_percentage+ci, float3_percentage+ci, float4_percentage+ci - float1_ci, float2_ci, float3_ci, float4_ci - float1_ci_bracket, float2_ci_bracket, float3_ci_bracket, float4_ci_bracket Parameters ---------- value : data_type : str Data type in format [type label][length], e.g. for floats with 4 decimals use 'float4', strings with fixed length 10 use 'str10'. For automatic value formatting use 'auto'. Default value 'auto' Returns ------- str """ if value is None: value = "None" if data_type == 'auto': if isinstance(value, bool): data_type = 'bool' elif isinstance(value, int): data_type = 'int' elif isinstance(value, float): data_type = 'float2' else: data_type = 'str' # Float if data_type == 'float1' and is_float(value): value = '{:.1f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float2' and is_float(value): value = '{:.2f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float3' and is_float(value): value = '{:.3f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float4' and is_float(value): value = '{:.4f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float5' and is_float(value): value = '{:.5f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float6' and is_float(value): value = '{:.6f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'int' and is_int(value): value = '{:d}'.format(int(value)) # Float (percentage) elif data_type == 'float1_percentage' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.1f}%'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float2_percentage' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.2f}%'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float3_percentage' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.3f}%'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float4_percentage' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.4f}%'.format(float(value)) # Float (percentage) + confidence interval elif data_type == 'float1_percentage+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.1f}% (+/-{:3.1f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float1_percentage+ci' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.1f}% (+/-)'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float2_percentage+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.2f}% (+/-{:3.2f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float2_percentage+ci' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.2f}% (+/-)'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float3_percentage+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.3f}% (+/-{:3.3f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float3_percentage+ci' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.3f}% (+/-)'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float4_percentage+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.4f}% (+/-{:3.4f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float4_percentage+ci' and is_float(value): value = '{:3.4f}% (+/-)'.format(float(value)) # Float + confidence interval elif data_type == 'float1+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.1f} (+/-{:3.1f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float2+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.2f} (+/-{:3.2f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float3+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.3f} (+/-{:3.3f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float4+ci' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.4f} (+/-{:3.4f})'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) # Float confidence interval elif data_type == 'float1_ci': value = '+/-{:3.1f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float2_ci': value = '+/-{:3.2f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float3_ci': value = '+/-{:3.3f}'.format(float(value)) elif data_type == 'float4_ci': value = '+/-{:3.4f}'.format(float(value)) # Float confidence interval bracket elif data_type == 'float1_ci_bracket' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.1f}-{:3.1f}'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float2_ci_bracket' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.2f}-{:3.2f}'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float3_ci_bracket' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.3f}-{:3.3f}'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif data_type == 'float4_ci_bracket' and isinstance(value, tuple): value = '{:3.4f}-{:3.4f}'.format(float(value[0]), float(value[1])) elif isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): shape = value.shape if len(shape) == 1: value = 'array ({0:d},)'.format(shape[0]) elif len(shape) == 2: value = 'matrix ({0:d},{1:d})'.format(shape[0], shape[1]) elif len(shape) == 3: value = 'matrix ({0:d},{1:d},{2:d})'.format(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2]) elif len(shape) == 4: value = 'matrix ({0:d},{1:d},{2:d},{3:d})'.format(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3]) elif data_type == 'bool': if value: value = 'True' else: value = 'False' elif data_type.startswith('str'): value = str(value) if len(data_type) > 3: value_width = int(data_type[3:]) if value and len(value) > value_width: value = value[0:value_width - 2] + '..' elif data_type.startswith('stf'): value = str(value) if len(data_type) > 3: value_width = int(data_type[3:]) if value and len(value) > value_width: value = value[0:value_width - 2] + '..' elif value and len(value) < value_width: value = value.ljust(value_width) return value
[docs] def data(self, field=None, value=None, unit=None, indent=2): """Data line Parameters ---------- field : str Data field name Default value None value : str, bool, int, float, list or dict Data value Default value None unit : str Data value unit Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ mid = 35 mid_point = str(mid - indent) line = '{field:<' + mid_point + '} : {value} {unit}' line2 = '{field:<' + mid_point + '}' value = self.formatted_value(value=value) lines = value.split('\n') if len(lines) > 1: # We have multi-line value, inject indent for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = ' ' * indent + ' ' * (mid-indent+3) + lines[i] value = '\n'.join(lines) if value is None or value == 'None': unit = None if field is not None and value is not None: return ' ' * indent + line.format( field=str(field), value=self.formatted_value(value), unit=str(unit) if unit else '', ) elif field is not None and value is None: return ' ' * indent + line2.format( field=str(field) ) elif field is None and value is not None: return ' ' * indent + line.format( field=' '*20, value=self.formatted_value(value), unit=str(unit) if unit else '', ) else: return ' ' * indent
[docs] def sep(self, length=40, indent=0): """Horizontal separator Parameters ---------- length : int Length of separator Default value 40 indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return ' ' * indent + '=' * (length - indent)
[docs] def table(self, cell_data=None, column_headers=None, column_types=None, column_separators=None, row_separators=None, indent=0): """Data table Parameters ---------- cell_data : list of list Cell data in format [ [cell(col1,row1), cell(col1,row2), cell(col1,row3)], [cell(col2,row1), cell(col2,row2), cell(col2,row3)] ] Default value None column_headers : list of str Column headers in list, if None given column numbers are used Default value None column_types : list of str Column data types, if None given type is determined automatically. Possible values: ['int', 'float1', 'float2', 'float3', 'float4', 'float5', 'float6', 'str10', 'str20']] Default value None column_separators : list of int Column ids where to place separation lines. Line is placed on the right of the indicated column. Default value None row_separators : list of int Row ids where to place separation lines. Line is place after indicated row. Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ if cell_data is None: cell_data = [] if column_headers is None: column_headers = [] if column_types is None: column_types = [] if column_separators is None: column_separators = [] if row_separators is None: row_separators = [] if len(cell_data) != len(column_headers): # Generate generic column titles for column_id, column_data in enumerate(cell_data): if column_id >= len(column_headers): column_headers.append('Col #{:d}'.format(column_id)) if len(cell_data) != len(column_types): # Generate generic column types for column_id, column_data in enumerate(cell_data): if column_id >= len(column_types) or column_types[column_id] == 'auto': row_data = cell_data[column_id] if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in row_data): data_type = 'int' elif all(isinstance(x, float) for x in row_data): data_type = 'float2' elif all(isinstance(x, six.string_types) for x in row_data): data_type = 'str20' else: data_type = 'str20' column_types.append(data_type) line_template = "" sep_column = [] for column_id, (data, header, data_type) in enumerate(zip(cell_data, column_headers, column_types)): if data_type.startswith('str'): if len(data_type) > 3: column_width = int(data_type[3:]) else: column_width = 10 line_template += '{' + str(column_id) + ':<' + str(column_width) + 's} ' elif data_type.startswith('float') or data_type.startswith('int'): column_width = 6 if len(column_headers[column_id]) > column_width: column_width = len(column_headers[column_id]) line_template += '{' + str(column_id) + ':>'+str(column_width)+'s} ' else: message = '{name}: Unknown column type [{data_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data_type=data_type ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) if column_id in column_separators: line_template += '| ' else: line_template += ' ' sep_column.append('-' * column_width) output = '' output += ' '*indent + line_template.format(*column_headers) + '\n' output += ' '*indent + line_template.format(*sep_column) + '\n' for row_id, tmp in enumerate(cell_data[0]): row_data = [] for column_id, (column_data, data_type) in enumerate(zip(cell_data, column_types)): cell_value = column_data[row_id] if data_type == 'auto': if isinstance(cell_value, int): data_type = 'int' elif isinstance(cell_value, float): data_type = 'float2' elif isinstance(cell_value, six.string_types): data_type = 'str10' else: data_type = 'str10' if data_type == 'float1' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.1f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'float2' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.2f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'float3' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.3f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'float4' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.4f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'float5' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.5f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'float6' and is_float(cell_value): row_data.append('{:6.6f}'.format(float(cell_value))) elif data_type == 'int' and is_int(cell_value): row_data.append('{:d}'.format(int(cell_value))) elif data_type.startswith('str'): if len(data_type) > 3: column_width = int(data_type[3:]) else: column_width = 10 if cell_value is None: cell_value = '-' if cell_value and len(cell_value) > column_width: cell_value = cell_value[0:column_width - 2] + '..' row_data.append(cell_value) elif cell_value is None: row_data.append('-') if row_id in row_separators: output += ' '*indent + line_template.format(*sep_column) + '\n' output += ' '*indent + line_template.format(*row_data) + '\n' return output
[docs] def row(self, *args, **kwargs): """Table row Parameters ---------- args : various Data for columns indent : int Amount of indention used for the row. If None given, value from previous method call is used. widths : list of int Column widths. If None given, value from previous method call is used. types : list of str Column data types, see `formatted_value` method more. If None given, value from previous method call is used. separators : list of bool Column vertical separators. If None given, value from previous method call is used. accumulate : bool Flag to indicate internal column wise value accumulation. Default value True Returns ------- str """ if kwargs.get('indent'): self.row_indent = kwargs.get('indent') if kwargs.get('widths'): self.row_column_widths = kwargs.get('widths') if kwargs.get('types'): self.row_data_types = kwargs.get('types') if kwargs.get('separators'): self.row_column_separators = kwargs.get('separators') accumulate = kwargs.get('accumulate', True) self.row_column_count = len(args) line_string = '' for column_id, column_data in enumerate(args): if column_id < len(self.row_column_widths): column_width = self.row_column_widths[column_id] else: column_width = 15 if column_id < len(self.row_data_types): data_type = self.row_data_types[column_id] else: data_type = 'auto' column_width -= 3 cell = '' if column_id > 0: cell += ' ' cell += '{0:<' + str(column_width) + 's} ' if accumulate: if (isinstance(column_data, int) or isinstance(column_data, float)): if column_id not in self.row_column_numerical_value_count: self.row_column_numerical_value_count[column_id] = 0 if column_id not in self.row_column_numerical_value_sum: self.row_column_numerical_value_sum[column_id] = 0 self.row_column_numerical_value_count[column_id] += 1 self.row_column_numerical_value_sum[column_id] += column_data column_data = self.formatted_value(column_data, data_type=data_type) if isinstance(column_data, int): line_string += cell.format(str(column_data)) elif isinstance(column_data, six.string_types): if len(column_data) > column_width and column_data != '-': column_data = column_data[0:(column_width-2)] + '..' elif column_data == '-': column_data = column_width * column_data[0] line_string += cell.format(str(column_data)) elif column_data is None: line_string += cell.format(' ') if column_id < len(self.row_column_separators) and self.row_column_separators[column_id]: line_string += '|' else: line_string += ' ' return ' ' * self.row_indent + line_string
[docs] def row_reset(self): """Reset table row formatting Returns ------- self """ self.row_column_widths = [] self.row_data_types = [] self.row_indent = 2 self.row_column_separators = [] self.row_column_count = None self.row_value_cache_reset() return self
[docs] def row_sep(self, separator_char='-'): """Table separator row Parameters ---------- separator_char : str Character used for the separator row Default value '-' Returns ------- str """ row_list = [] if self.row_column_count: for i in range(0, self.row_column_count): row_list.append(separator_char) return self.row(*row_list) else: return ''
[docs] def row_sum(self, label='Sum'): """Table row showing internally accumulated sum of previous row values per column Parameters ---------- label : str or dict Label used for non-accumulated columns. Can be dict where column id is key. Default value 'Sum' Returns ------- str """ values = [] for column_id in range(0, self.row_column_count): if column_id in self.row_column_numerical_value_sum: values.append(self.row_column_numerical_value_sum[column_id]) elif isinstance(label,dict) and column_id in label: values.append(label[column_id]) else: values.append(label) return self.row(*values, accumulate=False)
[docs] def row_average(self, label='Avg'): """Table row showing internally accumulated average of previous row values per column Parameters ---------- label : str or dict Label used for non-accumulated columns. Can be dict where column id is key. Default value 'Avg' Returns ------- str """ values = [] for column_id in range(0, self.row_column_count): if column_id in self.row_column_numerical_value_sum: values.append( self.row_column_numerical_value_sum[column_id] / float(self.row_column_numerical_value_count[column_id]) ) elif isinstance(label,dict) and column_id in label: values.append(label[column_id]) else: values.append(label) return self.row(*values, accumulate=False)
def row_value_cache_reset(self): self.row_column_numerical_value_sum = {} self.row_column_numerical_value_count = {}
[docs] def class_name(self, class_name, indent=0): """Class name Parameters ---------- class_name : str Class name indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return ' ' * indent + class_name + " :: Class"
[docs]class FancyHTMLStringifier(FancyStringifier): """Fancy UI to produce HTML output """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(FancyHTMLStringifier, self).__init__() self.indent_factor = 10 self.row_reset() self.row_highlight_flag = False self.row_highlight_style = 'background-color: #F1F1F166;' self.row_highlight_style_alt = 'background-color: #F9F9F966;' self.row_item_width_factor = 8
def get_margin(self, indent=0, include_style_attribute=True): """Get margin css style definition Parameters ---------- indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 include_style_attribute : bool Include "style=" in the returned string Default True Returns ------- str """ if include_style_attribute: return ' style="margin-left:' + str(indent * self.indent_factor) + 'px" ' else: return 'margin-left:' + str(indent * self.indent_factor) + 'px;'
[docs] def line(self, field=None, indent=2, data=None): """Line Parameters ---------- field : str Data field name Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ if not field and data: field = data indent_px = indent * self.indent_factor if field is not None: lines = field.split('\n') else: lines = ['&nbsp;'] if self.row_highlight_flag: bg = self.row_highlight_style else: bg = '' html = '' for line_id, line in enumerate(lines): html += '<div class="row clearfix" style="' +bg + '">' html += '<div class="col-md-12" style="padding:2px;font-size:100%;font-weight:bold">' html += str(line) html += '</div>' html += '</div>' # Flip row highlighting flag self.row_highlight_flag = not self.row_highlight_flag return html
[docs] def title(self, text, tag='h1'): """Title Parameters ---------- text : str Title text tag : str HTML tag used for the title Default value "h1" Returns ------- str """ return '<' + tag + '>' + text + '</' + tag + '>' + '\n'
[docs] def section_header(self, text, indent=0, tag='h2'): """Section header Parameters ---------- text : str Section header text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 tag : str HTML tag used for the title Default value "h2" Returns ------- str """ return '<' + tag + ' style="border-bottom: 2px solid #666;' + self.get_margin( indent=indent, include_style_attribute=False ) + '">' + text + '</' + tag + '>' + '\n'
[docs] def sub_header(self, text='', indent=0, tag='h3'): """Sub header Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 tag : str HTML tag used for the title Default value "h3" Returns ------- str """ return '<' + tag + self.get_margin(indent=indent) + '>' + text + '</' + tag + '>' + '\n'
[docs] def sep(self, length=40, indent=0, height=4): """Horizontal separator Parameters ---------- length : int Length of separator Default value 40 indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 height : int Separator line height in pixels Default value 4 Returns ------- str """ return '<hr style="' + self.get_margin(indent=indent, include_style_attribute=False) + 'border-top-width: ' + str( height) + 'px;background-color:transparent;" width="' + str(length) + '%">'
[docs] def foot(self, text='DONE', time=None, item_count=None, indent=2): """Footer Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text Default value 'DONE' time : str or float, optional Elapsed time as string or float (as seconds) Default value None item_count : int, optional Item count Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ output = '{text:10s} '.format(text=text) if time: if isinstance(time, six.string_types): output += '[{time:<14s}] '.format(time=time) elif isinstance(time, float): output += '[{time:<14s}] '.format(time=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time))) if item_count: output += '[{items:<d} items] '.format(items=item_count) if time and isinstance(time, float): output += '[{item_time:<14s} per item]'.format( item_time=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=time / float(item_count))) ) return '<div ' + self.get_margin(indent=indent) + '>' + output + '</div>'
[docs] def data(self, field=None, value=None, unit=None, indent=2): """Data line Parameters ---------- field : str Data field name Default value None value : str, bool, int, float, list or dict Data value Default value None unit : str Data value unit Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 Returns ------- str """ value = self.formatted_value(value=value) if value is None or value == 'None': unit = None lines = value.split('\n') indent_px = indent * self.indent_factor if self.row_highlight_flag: bg = self.row_highlight_style else: bg = self.row_highlight_style_alt col1 = 'col-md-4 col-xs-6' col2 = 'col-md-8 col-xs-6' # Container html = '' html += '<div class="row row-no-gutters clearfix" ' html += 'style="' + bg + '">' # Field html += '<div class="' + col1 + '" ' html += 'style="padding-left:' + str(indent_px) + 'px;"' html += '>' html += str(field) html += '<span class="pull-right text-muted" style="padding-right:5px;">:</span>' html += '</div>' # Value + unit if len(lines) > 1: html += '<div class="' + col2 + '">' html += lines[0] html += '</div>' for i in range(1, len(lines)): html += '<div class="' + col1 + '"></div>' html += '<div class="' + col2 + '">' html += lines[i] html += '</div>' else: html += '<div class="' + col2 + '">' html += self.formatted_value(value) + ' ' html += '<span class="text-muted">' + str(unit) + '</span>' if unit else '' html += '</div>' html += '</div>' # Container # Flip row highlighting flag self.row_highlight_flag = not self.row_highlight_flag return html
[docs] def row(self, *args, **kwargs): """Table row Parameters ---------- args : various Data for columns indent : int Amount of indention used for the row. If None given, value from previous method call is used. widths : list of int Column widths. If None given, value from previous method call is used. types : list of str Column data types, see `formatted_value` method more. If None given, value from previous method call is used. separators : list of bool Column vertical separators. If None given, value from previous method call is used. Returns ------- str """ if kwargs.get('indent'): self.row_indent = kwargs.get('indent') if kwargs.get('widths'): self.row_column_widths = kwargs.get('widths') if kwargs.get('types'): self.row_data_types = kwargs.get('types') if kwargs.get('separators'): self.row_column_separators = kwargs.get('separators') self.row_column_count = len(args) if self.row_highlight_flag: bg = 'background-color: #EEE;' else: bg = '' html = '' grid_template_columns = [] for column_id, column_data in enumerate(args): if column_id < len(self.row_column_widths): column_width = int(self.row_column_widths[column_id] * self.row_item_width_factor) else: column_width = int(15 * self.row_item_width_factor) grid_template_columns.append(str(column_width) + 'px') grid_template_columns = ' '.join(grid_template_columns) html += '<div style="' html += 'font-size: 110%;' html += 'display:grid;grid-template-columns:' + grid_template_columns + ';grid-gap:0px;' html += 'margin-top: -4px; margin-bottom: -4px;' html += self.get_margin(indent=self.row_indent, include_style_attribute=False) html += '">' for column_id, column_data in enumerate(args): if column_id < len(self.row_data_types): data_type = self.row_data_types[column_id] else: data_type = 'auto' if column_id < len(self.row_column_widths): column_width = int(self.row_column_widths[column_id] * self.row_item_width_factor) else: column_width = int(15 * self.row_item_width_factor) column_data = self.formatted_value(column_data, data_type=data_type) if column_id < len(self.row_column_separators) and self.row_column_separators[column_id]: sep = 'border-right: 2px solid #333;' else: sep = '' html += '<div style="padding:2px;' + bg + sep + '">' if isinstance(column_data, int): html += str(column_data) elif isinstance(column_data, six.string_types): if len(column_data) > column_width and column_data != '-': column_data = column_data[0:(column_width - 2)] + '..' elif column_data == '-': column_data = column_width * column_data[0] html += str(column_data) html += '</div>' html += '</div>' # Container # Flip row highlighting flag self.row_highlight_flag = not self.row_highlight_flag return html
[docs] def row_reset(self): """Reset table row formatting Returns ------- self """ self.row_highlight_flag = False self.row_column_widths = [] self.row_data_types = [] self.row_indent = 0 self.row_column_separators = [] self.row_column_count = None return self
[docs] def row_sep(self, **kwargs): """Table separator row Returns ------- str """ html = '' grid_template_columns = [] for column_id in range(0, self.row_column_count): if column_id < len(self.row_column_widths): column_width = int(self.row_column_widths[column_id] * self.row_item_width_factor) else: column_width = int(15 * self.row_item_width_factor) grid_template_columns.append(str(column_width) + 'px') grid_template_columns = ' '.join(grid_template_columns) html += '<div style="' html += 'display:grid;grid-template-columns:' + grid_template_columns + ';grid-gap:0px;' html += 'margin-top:-4px;margin-bottom:-3px;height:2px;' + self.get_margin( indent=self.row_indent, include_style_attribute=False ) html += '">' for i in range(0, self.row_column_count): html += '<div style="padding:0px;margin:0px;background-color:#333;">' html += '</div>' html += '</div>' # Container return html
[docs] def table(self, cell_data=None, column_headers=None, column_types=None, column_separators=None, row_separators=None, indent=0, scaling=110, table_css_class='table-striped table-condensed'): """Data table Parameters ---------- cell_data : list of list Cell data in format [ [cell(col1,row1), cell(col1,row2), cell(col1,row3)], [cell(col2,row1), cell(col2,row2), cell(col2,row3)] ] Default value None column_headers : list of str Column headers in list, if None given column numbers are used Default value None column_types : list of str Column data types, if None given type is determined automatically. Possible values: ['int', 'float1', 'float2', 'float3', 'float4', 'float5', 'float6','str10', 'str20']] Default value None column_separators : list of int Column ids where to place separation lines. Line is placed on the right of the indicated column. Default value None row_separators : list of int Row ids where to place separation lines. Line is place after indicated row. Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 scaling : int Percentage to change the size of the table Default value None table_css_class : str CSS classes to be added to the resulting table Default value "table-striped table-condensed" Returns ------- str """ if cell_data is None: cell_data = [] if column_headers is None: column_headers = [] if column_types is None: column_types = [] if column_separators is None: column_separators = [] if row_separators is None: row_separators = [] if len(cell_data) != len(column_headers): # Generate generic column titles for column_id, column_data in enumerate(cell_data): if column_id >= len(column_headers): column_headers.append('Col #{:d}'.format(column_id)) if len(cell_data) != len(column_types): # Generate generic column types for column_id, column_data in enumerate(cell_data): if column_id >= len(column_types) or column_types[column_id] == 'auto': row_data = cell_data[column_id] if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in row_data): data_type = 'int' elif all(isinstance(x, float) for x in row_data): data_type = 'float2' elif all(isinstance(x, six.string_types) for x in row_data): data_type = 'str20' else: data_type = 'str20' column_types.append(data_type) thead = '<thead style="border-bottom: 0px solid transparent;">' thead += '<tr>' for column_id, (data, header, data_type) in enumerate(zip(cell_data, column_headers, column_types)): align = 'text-align:right;' if data_type.startswith('str'): if len(data_type) > 3: column_width = int(data_type[3:]) else: column_width = 8 align = 'text-align:left;' elif data_type.startswith('float') or data_type.startswith('int'): column_width = 6 if len(column_headers[column_id]) > column_width: column_width = len(column_headers[column_id]) else: message = '{name}: Unknown column type [{data_type}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data_type=data_type ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) sep = 'border-bottom:2px solid #333;' if column_id in column_separators: sep += 'border-right:2px solid #333;' thead += '<th style="width:' + str(column_width * 10) + 'px;' + sep + align + '">' thead += column_headers[column_id] thead += '</th>' thead += '</tr>' thead += '</thead>' html = '' html += '<table class="table '+table_css_class+'" style="font-size:'+str(scaling)+'%;width:auto;margin-top:0em;' + self.get_margin( indent=indent, include_style_attribute=False ) + '">' html += thead html += '<tbody>' for row_id, tmp in enumerate(cell_data[0]): html += '<tr>' for column_id, (column_data, data_type) in enumerate(zip(cell_data, column_types)): align = 'text-align:right;' if data_type.startswith('str'): align = 'text-align:left;' style = '' if row_id in row_separators: style += 'border-top:2px solid #333;' if column_id in column_separators: style += 'border-right:2px solid #333;' html += '<td style="' + style + align + '">' cell_value = column_data[row_id] if data_type == 'auto': if isinstance(cell_value, int): data_type = 'int' elif isinstance(cell_value, float): data_type = 'float2' elif isinstance(cell_value, six.string_types): data_type = 'str10' else: data_type = 'str10' if data_type == 'float1' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.1f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'float2' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.2f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'float3' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.3f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'float4' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.4f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'float5' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.5f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'float6' and is_float(cell_value): html += '{:6.6f}'.format(float(cell_value)) elif data_type == 'int' and is_int(cell_value): html += '{:d}'.format(int(cell_value)) elif data_type.startswith('str'): if len(data_type) > 3: column_width = int(data_type[3:]) else: column_width = 10 if cell_value is None: cell_value = '-' cell_value_stripped = re.sub(re.compile('<.*?>'), '', cell_value) if cell_value and len(cell_value_stripped) > column_width: cell_value = cell_value[0:column_width - 2] + '..' html += cell_value elif cell_value is None: html += '-' html += '</td>' html += '</tr>' html += '</tbody>' html += '</table>' return html
[docs] def class_name(self, class_name, indent=0): """Class name Parameters ---------- class_name : str Class name indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return '<div class="label label-primary" ' \ 'style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px;display:inline-block;' + self.get_margin( indent=indent, include_style_attribute=False) + '">' + class_name + '</div>'
[docs]class FancyLogger(object): """Logger class """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructor Parameters ---------- Returns ------- nothing """ self.ui = FancyStringifier()
@property def logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not logger.handlers: setup_logging() return logger
[docs] def line(self, field='', indent=0, level='info', data=None): """Generic line logger Multiple lines are split and logged separately Parameters ---------- field : str or list, optional String or list of strings indent : int Amount of indention used for the line level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Returns ------- nothing """ if not field and data: field = data if isinstance(field, six.string_types): lines = field.split('\n') elif isinstance(field, list): lines = field else: message = '{name}: Unknown data type [{data}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data=field ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) for line in lines: if level.lower() == 'info':' ' * indent + line) elif level.lower() == 'debug': self.logger.debug(' ' * indent + line) elif level.lower() == 'warning' or level.lower() == 'warn': self.logger.warn(' ' * indent + line) elif level.lower() == 'error': self.logger.error(' ' * indent + line) else:' ' * indent + line)
[docs] def row(self, *args, **kwargs): """Table row Parameters ---------- args : various Data for columns indent : int Amount of indention used for the row. If None given, value from previous method call is used. widths : list of int Column widths. If None given, value from previous method call is used. types : list of str Column data types, see `formatted_value` method more. If None given, value from previous method call is used. separators : list of bool Column vertical separators. If None given, value from previous method call is used. Returns ------- nothing """ self.line( self.ui.row(*args, **kwargs) )
[docs] def row_reset(self): """Reset table row formatting Returns ------- nothing """ self.ui.row_reset()
[docs] def row_sep(self, separator_char='-'): """Table separator row Parameters ---------- separator_char : str Character used for the separator row Default value '-' Returns ------- nothing """ self.line( self.ui.row_sep(separator_char=separator_char) )
[docs] def row_sum(self, label='Sum'): """Table row showing internally accumulated sum of previous row values per column Parameters ---------- label : str or dict Label used for non-accumulated columns. Can be dict where column id is key. Default value 'Sum' Returns ------- str """ self.line( self.ui.row_sum(label) )
[docs] def row_average(self, label='Avg'): """Table row showing internally accumulated average of previous row values per column Parameters ---------- label : str or dict Label used for non-accumulated columns. Can be dict where column id is key. Default value 'Avg' Returns ------- str """ self.line( self.ui.row_average(label) )
[docs] def title(self, text, level='info'): """Title, logged at info level Parameters ---------- text : str Title text level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.title dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.title """ self.line( self.ui.title( text=text ), level=level )
[docs] def section_header(self, text, indent=0, level='info'): """Section header, logged at info level Parameters ---------- text : str Section header text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.section_header dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.section_header """ self.line( self.ui.section_header( text=text, indent=indent ), level=level )
[docs] def sub_header(self, text='', indent=0, level='info'): """Sub header Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.sub_header dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.sub_header """ self.line( self.ui.sub_header( text=text, indent=indent ), level=level )
[docs] def foot(self, text='DONE', time=None, item_count=None, indent=2, level='info'): """Footer, logged at info level Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Footer text. Default value 'DONE' time : str, optional Elapsed time as string. Default value None item_count : int, optional Item count. Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line. Default value 2 level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error]. Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.foot dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.foot """ self.line( self.ui.foot( text=text, time=time, item_count=item_count, indent=indent ), level=level ) self.line(level=level)
[docs] def data(self, field=None, value=None, unit=None, indent=2, level='info'): """Data line logger Parameters ---------- field : str Data field name Default value None value : str, bool, int, float, list or dict Data value Default value None unit : str Data value unit Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 2 level : str Logging level, one of [info,debug,warning,warn,error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- """ self.line( field=field, value=value, unit=unit, indent=indent ), level=level )
[docs] def sep(self, level='info', length=40, indent=0): """Horizontal separator, logged at info level Parameters ---------- level : str Logging level, one of [info,debug,warning,warn,error] Default value 'info' length : int Length of separator Default value 40 indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.sep dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.sep """ self.line( self.ui.sep( length=length, indent=indent ), level=level )
[docs] def table(self, cell_data=None, column_headers=None, column_types=None, column_separators=None, row_separators=None, indent=0, level='info'): """Data table Parameters ---------- cell_data : list of list Cell data in format [ [cell(col1,row1), cell(col1,row2), cell(col1,row3)], [cell(col2,row1), cell(col2,row2), cell(col2,row3)] ] Default value None column_headers : list of str Column headers in list, if None given column numbers are used Default value None column_types : list of str Column data types, if None given type is determined automatically. Possible values: ['int', 'float1', 'float2', 'float3', 'float4', 'float5', 'float6', 'str10', 'str20']] Default value None column_separators : list of int Column ids where to place separation lines. Line is placed on the right of the indicated column. Default value None row_separators : list of int Row ids where to place separation lines. Line is place after indicated row. Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info,debug,warning,warn,error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.table dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.table """ self.line( self.ui.table( cell_data=cell_data, column_headers=column_headers, column_types=column_types, column_separators=column_separators, row_separators=row_separators, indent=indent ), level=level )
[docs] def info(self, text='', indent=0): """Info line logger Parameters ---------- text : str Text Default value '' indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- nothing """ self.line( field=text, level='info', indent=indent )
[docs] def debug(self, text='', indent=0): """Debug line logger Parameters ---------- text : str Text Default value '' indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- nothing """ self.line( field=text, level='debug', indent=indent )
[docs] def error(self, text='', indent=0): """Error line logger Parameters ---------- text : str Text Default value '' indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- nothing """ self.line( field=text, level='error', indent=indent )
[docs]class FancyPrinter(FancyLogger): """Printer class """
[docs] def __init__(self, colors=True): """Constructor Parameters ---------- colors : bool Using colors or not Default value True Returns ------- nothing """ super(FancyPrinter, self).__init__() self.colors = colors self.levels = { 'info': '', 'debug': '', 'warning': '', 'warn': '', 'error': '', } if self.colors: try: from colorama import init from colorama import Fore, Back, Style except ImportError: message = '{name}: Unable to import colorama module. You can install it with `pip install colorama`.'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ImportError(message) init() self.levels['reset'] = Style.RESET_ALL self.levels['info'] = Style.NORMAL self.levels['debug'] = Fore.YELLOW self.levels['warning'] = Fore.MAGENTA self.levels['warn'] = Fore.MAGENTA self.levels['error'] = Back.RED + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT
@property def logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not logger.handlers: setup_logging() return logger
[docs] def line(self, field='', indent=0, level='info'): """Generic line logger Multiple lines are split and logged separately Parameters ---------- field : str or list, optional String or list of strings Default value '' indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing """ if isinstance(field, six.string_types): lines = field.split('\n') elif isinstance(field, list): lines = field else: message = '{name}: Unknown data type [{data}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data=field ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) for line in lines: if level in self.levels: print(' ' * indent + self.levels[level] + line + self.levels['reset']) else: print(' ' * indent + line)
[docs]class FancyHTMLPrinter(FancyLogger): """Printer class for rich HTML formatted output in IPython/Jupyter """
[docs] def __init__(self, colors=True): """Constructor Parameters ---------- colors : bool Using colors or not Default value True Returns ------- nothing """ super(FancyHTMLPrinter, self).__init__() self.ui = FancyHTMLStringifier() self.colors = colors self.levels = { 'info': None, 'debug': 'alert alert-block alert-info', 'warning': 'alert alert-block alert-warning', 'warn': 'alert alert-block alert-warning', 'error': 'alert alert-block alert-danger', }
[docs] def line(self, field='', indent=0, level='info'): """Generic line logger Multiple lines are split and logged separately Parameters ---------- field : str or list, optional String or list of strings Default value '' indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info, debug, warning, warn, error] Default value 'info' Returns ------- nothing """ from IPython.core.display import display, HTML if isinstance(field, six.string_types): lines = field.split('\n') elif isinstance(field, list): lines = field else: message = '{name}: Unknown data type [{data}].'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, data=field ) self.logger.exception(message) raise ValueError(message) for line in lines: if line: if level in self.levels and self.levels[level]: display(HTML('<div class="'+self.levels[level]+'">' + line + '</div>')) else: display(HTML(line))
[docs] def table(self, cell_data=None, column_headers=None, column_types=None, column_separators=None, row_separators=None, indent=0, level='info', scaling=110, table_css_class='table-striped table-condensed'): """Data table Parameters ---------- cell_data : list of list Cell data in format [ [cell(col1,row1), cell(col1,row2), cell(col1,row3)], [cell(col2,row1), cell(col2,row2), cell(col2,row3)] ] Default value None column_headers : list of str Column headers in list, if None given column numbers are used Default value None column_types : list of str Column data types, if None given type is determined automatically. Possible values: ['int', 'float1', 'float2', 'float3', 'float4', 'float5', 'float6', 'str10', 'str20']] Default value None column_separators : list of int Column ids where to place separation lines. Line is placed on the right of the indicated column. Default value None row_separators : list of int Row ids where to place separation lines. Line is place after indicated row. Default value None indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 level : str Logging level, one of [info,debug,warning,warn,error] Default value 'info' scaling : int Percentage to change the size of the table Default value None table_css_class : str CSS classes to be added to the resulting table Default value "table-striped table-condensed" Returns ------- nothing See Also -------- dcase_util.ui.FancyUI.table dcase_util.ui.FancyPrinter.table """ self.line( self.ui.table( cell_data=cell_data, column_headers=column_headers, column_types=column_types, column_separators=column_separators, row_separators=row_separators, indent=indent, scaling=scaling, table_css_class=table_css_class ), level=level )